Page 59 of Moon Cursed

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My best friend has been a powerful witch her whole life. I want her here when we prove Oscar’s innocence. I’m hoping the Alpha doesn’t know what his pack did, but if he’s a part of this bullshit then I want to be sure I have back up if he tries anything when we expose the lie.

“It would be better if your whole coven was here tomorrow,” Everett says, reminding me that there’s a third hybrid witch in the newly formed group.

I don’t know Amanda, but Rachel does, and I trust her judgement implicitly.

“I’ll ask,” I tell him.

I leave the room on vaguely shaky legs. Damn. I’m wiped out.

I seriously need to take a nap. As soon as I’ve called Rachel.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


IdecideI’mnotcalling my best friend while I’m standing around with my butt hanging out the bottom of my shirt, so I go into the bedroom first. Big mistake.

The sight of the bed makes my legs want to collapse under me. I steady myself against the dresser and grab a pair of black yoga pants out of my sleepwear drawer. I probably haven’t worn them since before I moved in. I’ve keep borrowing my mates’ shirts to sleep in. Only, I never want to give any of them back, so I guess borrowing isn’t the right word.

I manage to sit on the edge of the bed to haul the yoga pants on without being instantly tempted to fall back into the sheets and pass out, but it does take me a couple of minutes to convince myself to stand back up.

There’s a land line cordless phone at the end of the landing. That’s where I head once I’m sure my legs aren’t going to just give out from under me. My cell phone was on the bedroom floor, but I knew without checking that the battery would be dead.

It’s been hours since I called Everett to get him to come back home.

He upgraded my phone weeks ago, but the battery on the fancy new touchscreen seriously makes me miss my old reliable brick. The new one needs charged every damn day.

I get to the landline and pick up the receiver.

I have my most used numbers written on an address book we keep by the side of the phone. Rachel’s home and cell numbers are listed under E for Ellison.

I flip to the right page and check the time on the clock above the phone table.

It’s twelve thirty. Lunch time.

She could be at home, or she could be on school grounds. I’m pretty sure she won’t be in class, so I try her cell number. I let out a sigh as it starts to ring, leaning against the wall to take some of the weight off my feet.

It rings, and rings, and I start to wonder if she gets a later lunch break at the academy.

Then, she picks up. “Hello?”

“Hey, Rachel, it’s Cheryl.”

“Oh, hey, Cheryl! What’s up?”

“I kind of need a favor,” I start, wishing I didn’t feel like such an asshole for having to ask for help.

I get that it’s a head-strong Alpha thing, but I kind of hate it.

“Anything,” she says.

“Let me explain before you agree,” I tell her. “It’s kind of a long story, and we might need Amanda.”

“Okay, but it’s a yes, and Amanda will say the same,” she assures me. “We’re coven sisters now.”

I hesitate. Asking when I know she’ll say yes, no matter what, feels weird.

“I’m all in for a long story,” she goes on when I don’t speak for a couple of seconds.
