Page 71 of Moon Cursed

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That can’t be good. I dart down the stairs, heading for the door, just as Cheryl gets to it.

She glances at me, her expression tight. She doesn’t like this, either.

She opens the door anyway. There’s an Alpha on the other side. He’s middle-aged and looks effortlessly easy-going. It’s a front. I can see the predator underneath, and he’s as brutally vicious as every other Alpha has to be in order to take care of their pack.

Behind him are two tall, well-muscled Betas in their late-twenties or early-thirties.

Behind them are two witches, standing a few feet away from the wolves as if they can’t stand to be a single inch closer. Chances are they’re not keen on being around wolves at all.

Cheryl stares at them. “You’re early. We agreed on seven a.m.”

“Well, we got here a little early and thought we’d check if you’re ready.”

Thought he’d catch us off guard, he means. I can’t stand this asshole and I’ve barely known him for three seconds.

“We’ll be ready at seven,” Cheryl says, closing the door in his face, “like we agreed.”

She closes the door and scowls at it.

“We’re really just going to wait?” I ask quietly.

She frowns at me. There’s no way in hell she has the patience to wait now that they’re here.

She might think she’s making them stew, but she’s the one who’ll do that.

The doorbell rings again. She shakes her head.

“Where are Oscar and Everett?” she asks me in a low voice.

“They’re both getting ready. Shouldn’t be too much longer.”

Especially now that they’ve heard the doorbell ring three times in the space of ten minutes.

We’re not exactly used to visitors. That’s the most the bell has gone off in the last six months.

She opens the door again.

This time, there’s a witch standing there. A middle-aged witch with a sour expression.

The wolves are hanging around near the gates, looking casual. Dick heads.

“I have a busy day ahead, and I started work early to make it out here for this emergency situation,” she says, a snap to her tone. “I don’t appreciate my time being wasted.”

“I’m not the one who’s wasting it,” Cheryl tells her. “We were told you’d be here at seven.”

I glance back when I hear footsteps. Cheryl’s witch friends come up behind us.

“Name?” Rachel asks.

The witch frowns at her. “Mabel Waters.”

Rachel nods. “Give us a minute.”

Cheryl closes the door. Rachel steps back and starts to glow. She closes her eyes. Magic sparkles around her as she casts under her breath. I can’t hear the words, but I can feel the magic.

She opens her eyes and nods. “She’s legit. I checked the Witch’s Council database. She deals with these disputes all the time. She’s used to casting this spell. She was chosen by The Fates ten years ago. She’s one of the only witches who can cast this spell and have it stand up as evidence.”

Cheryl lets out a breath. “Well, that’s good.”
