Page 95 of Moon Cursed

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She sends back a thumbs up.

I put the phone down on the coffee table.

Oscar sits up and wipes at his eyes. He looks at the plates scattered over the table. Everett made enough to feed a football team, but all of us eat like starving wolves so there’s nothing left behind.

“I take it I missed lunch?” he asks, glancing at the clock.

He missed it by minutes, really. We started a little early. It’s only just past midday.

“I saved you some,” Everett says. “I’ll go get it.”

“You want soda?” I ask, getting up.

“I could use something stronger, under the circumstances, but I know that’s trauma talking.”

I consider using his addictions to try and persuade Mabel to let him stay with us, but I know talking about them in front of the other pack would be like telling them his biggest weakness. It’s better if they don’t know. They can’t use it against him if they’re not aware of it.

“Oscar, we should talk…” I start, trailing off when he gazes at me.

“I’m going to miss you so damn much,” he says.

“Me too,” I tell him. “Every day.”

“Maybe I’ll be allowed to visit.”

It’s unlikely considering pack towns typically don’t encourage travel. They want their wolves to live their lives in a bubble, never stepping outside to see what else is out there. Probably because they know all of it is better than they have in their town. Can’t let the worker bees get a taste of freedom. They might never come back.

Everett brings back a plate overloaded with sandwiches and sets it down in front of Oscar.

“Wow. Anyone would think you guys are fattening me up for Christmas.”

“It’s not that excessive,” Everett grumbles.

“And hell is just a bonfire,” Oscar says. “But I accept the eating challenge so hands off my massive pile of sandwiches.”

Everett puts his hands up and steps back. “They’re all yours.”

He starts to eat, slowly at first, devouring every bite with little moans of pleasure.

Everett raises an eyebrow at me, and I smile back at him.

This is how it should be. We’re together because we want to be.

A pack is a family. This one is mine.

I don’t want to lose any of it.

Chapter Sixty-One


Ican’tbelievewe’regoing back there. It was tense enough sitting in that diner for forty minutes. Going back there to look around while we’re hidden by an invisible magical cloak sounds like an absolute nightmare. We’ve parked just off the road on a dirt track that seems to lead the way down an overgrown trail that probably hasn’t been used in decades, and now we’re standing around while Rachel preps the spells to get us into the diner unseen.

“How exactly do we get back inside?” I ask, trying to understand how this is going to work exactly.

“Teleporting across short distances won’t drain my magic,” Rachel tells me.

“Even while you’re already concentrating on the invisibility cloak?”
