Page 100 of Shifting Spirits

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He can probably feel my nerves and Adrian’s agitation.

The sound of the front door captures our attention, and Adrian lets out a sigh of relief.

“You’re home,” he says, a second before Rachel moves toward him.

She’s in a black skirt and pink T-shirt, with black sneakers on, and she’s wearing her normal makeup, which I like more than the over-the-top look Carter gave her at Christmas. I also like that he hasn’t had time to put blue streaks in her hair. She’s all-natural Rachel today and that’s a welcome change.

“Dante and Kelly are going to meet us at Midnight Valley,” she says. “Kelly’s busy for the next few hours and it’ll take a few hours to get there, so we should get moving.”

Shit. We’re actually doing this.

“I’m bringing the last of the gingerbread men,” Carter says.

“It’s a little cold,” Rachel says. “Can I borrow your hoody?”

She’s looking at me when she asks. I nod. I know which one she likes.

“I’ll go get it.”

“I’ll start the car,” Adrian says.

“Shot …” Carter starts.

“Shotgun,” I cut him off quickly.

It’s a reflex from before Rachel got here, and he gets me with that shitevery damn time.

“Aw, I guess you called it,” he sings, putting the lid on the gingerbread men.

“Whatever,” I mutter.

Adrian’s already headed for the door, Rachel following.

I hear Carter opening the fridge, probably loading up on snacks so my backseat can be covered in a million crumbs of different varieties by the time we eventually get home.

Ignoring the urge to tell him not to bring snacks, I dart upstairs and grab my hoody for Rachel.

When I get back downstairs, everyone’s outside, leaving me to lock the door.

I make sure Carter shut the fridge properly first. Then, I dust off the yearbooks he covered in crumbs on the table and close them.

All this waiting around, and I’m reluctant to get moving now that the wait is over.

“Pull it together, Silas,” I mutter, grabbing my keys and heading out.

The first drops of rain fall as I lock the door.

They’re tiny and I can’t even see them on my arm, but I know they’re there.

It’s starting now. The storm is inevitable.

Chapter Fifty-Four


It’salongdriveto Midnight Valley, but I refuse to even consider letting Rachel teleport us there. The last time she teleported over a long distance, she was exhausted and drained for days, so when she started to talk about taking this trip, I ruled out that idea before she could make it.

It’s not going to kill us to spend a few hours in a car together.
