Page 104 of Shifting Spirits

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She lets go of my hand to lean forward more and guide Adrian onward. There are more turns than I can count, and I’m not sure I could guide us back out of this maze of houses.

The streets are reasonably well lit, but a few of them look a bit shadier as we pass.

“Okay it should be into the right again and straight along. I’ve never been down this way, but I’ve passed it before.”

It’s a rich neighborhood, clearly. The houses are huge and well-spaced apart. We pass the lit portion of the street, and head down a dead-end with four broken streetlights ahead of it.

As far as bad omens go, I’d say that’s a big one. Malicious spirits prefer the cover of darkness.

A set of low iron gates close off a dirt driveway and an overgrown front yard.

The house is huge, and it looks abandoned.

“This is the place?” I ask, knowing it is and wishing it wasn’t.

“This is it,” Adrian says, pointing to the numbered gate.

“Shit,” Carter mutters. “Looks like it’s full of spiders and poltergeists.”

“It kind of does,” Rachel agrees, glancing at me.

“It’s not what I pictured when I was given the address,” I admit.

My father’s been out here for a few days. He can’t be staying here, surely.

No one could be staying in that house.

“It doesn’t look like anyone’s home,” Adrian says.

“It doesn’t look like anyone’s been home for years,” Carter adds.

“Are you okay?” Rachel asks quietly.

“Maybe this can wait,” I start, not sure why it had to be tonight.

I get a swell of nerves at the thought of meeting my father. He’s an asshole for abandoning me and never once trying to meet me. Sara didn’t want to appear to him herself when she died, probably because he’s awful enough to force her to move along before she feels ready.

Do I really need the confirmation that he’s an asshole?

Do I really think he’ll give enough of a shit about the daughter he actually raised to help me find her if he didn’t push her to the other side of the veil himself?

“Maybe we should just get out and take a look,” Rachel suggests.

Taking a couple of slow breaths, I push away the nerves.

I need to do this. It doesn’t matter how it goes. I won’t know anything until I speak to him.

I’m not doing this for him. He doesn’t matter. He’s not why I’m here.

I have to do this to help the sister I never got the chance to know.

Sara’s family, and I won’t turn my back on her.

“Sure,” I say. “Let’s take a look.”

“Ugh,” Carter says. “Just don’t go running off and investigating weird noises or anything, okay? Everyone? I don’t want this to turn into a horror movie.”

Rachel smiles at me. Our Omega is being dramatic and she’s enjoying it.
