Page 142 of Shifting Spirits

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My mates are all talking to different witches separately. I wish one of them were holding my hand right now, because the idea of being taken back to where I almost died is making my stomach churn.

Carter looks over when my gaze moves over him. His eyes meet mine, and I know he can tell I’m not okay, even from several feet away. I try to smile to reassure him, but he can tell it’s fake. He mutters something to the witch who’s questioning him and comes rushing over before she can respond.

“What’s happening?” Carter asks, slipping an arm around my waist.

Of course, Adrian and Silas notice and excuse themselves from the witches who are questioning them, too. My face warms as they approach.

“What’s going on?” Adrian asks, raising an eyebrow at Mabel.

Mabel lets out a soft sigh. “I’m about to take Rachel out to the spot where Paul Winters died, to cast the spell to confirm what happened. It would be best if all of you joined us. I’ll need two witnesses as well. Excuse me a moment.”

She goes to round up a couple of volunteers, and I smile nervously at my guys.

“I guess we’re headed for the moment of truth,” I tell them.

“We have nothing to worry about,” Adrian tells me, lifting my chin with a finger when I don’t meet his gaze. “He’s the one who did something unforgivable, Rachel. He’s the one rotting in hell for that.”

I take a breath. “You’re right. I know.”

Mabel comes back to us, two witches behind her. “Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

Chapter Seventy-Seven


Theforestfeelsstillwhen we get there. It’s dark tonight, but there are stars shining brightly in the sky. I bring my gaze down to the ground. I can’t tell if this is where it happened. It could be, I guess.

“This is the spot,” Mabel says, as she moves in front of us. “I’m about to ask The Fates to show us what happened here, six months ago to cause Paul Winter’s death. Please allow the vision to be seen in its entirety before you make any comment.”

Here goes.I cross my arms under my chest. It’s far from cold out here, but I’ve never had a stronger urge to shiver. Whatever Mabel gleans from what we did, that’s what decides our fate.

Carter has his arms around my right side, his head leaning against my arm.

Adrian stands tall beside me at my left. He’s convinced this is nothing.

I’m glad someone feels certain. It does make me feel a little better.

Silas is at Adrian’s side, arms crossed like mine are. His expression isn’t easy to read, but I don’t think he’s happy that we’re being made to go through this. His jaw looks clenched tight.

Mabel creates a circle, and her magic sparkles in the darkness. The vision starts with a view looking down from above as the past version of me falls back on the ground. Goddess, I look so helpless.I’ve been stabbed and I’m bleeding out, close to death. Paul stares down at me with such anger, about to finish his spell to sacrifice my soul. As if it isn’t bad enough that he’s killed me. Then, a wolf tears out his throat. He falls back, and another wolf turns human to hold my hand. Carter.

I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I watch.

Adrian’s reluctance to mark me and turn me is obvious, but I know why. He wanted me to have a choice.I had no choice. I would have died if I didn’t accept his bite.

“Well, I think that clears a few things up,” Mabel says, stopping the vision. “Does anyone need to see it again?”

No one speaks a word. Everyone shakes their head.

“Then that’s settled,” Mabel says. “Paul Winters was killed in self-defence. He intended to sacrifice you to his Dark Lord, but he ended up forfeiting his own soul when your future Alpha killed him.”

“Does that mean this is over?” I ask, hopeful that it is.

“I’ll send you home,” Mabel says. “You all need some rest.”

It’s not an outright yes, but she’s sending us home.
