Page 146 of Shifting Spirits

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Adrian’s pacing around outside as if he’s desperate to pee.

He already insisted on washing the demon slobber off his face before I took a shower.

Our clothes are in a pile on the front lawn, having been set on fire by Rachel. She was outside talking to Silas when I came upstairs, and she’s probably still out there now.

They’ve got the least to complain about. Rachel’s legs are muddy, and she got a little demon blood on her hands, but she’s not going to need to burn her clothes.

“Could you take any longer in there?” he gripes at me.

“I could, but I didn’t.”

He shakes his head at me, scowling as I get out the way and he goes inside. There should still be hot water left. If there isn’t, I’m sure I’ll be hearing about it shortly.

I dry off and put on fresh sweats.

There’s no complaining from the bathroom, so I’m guessing I didn’t use up the hot water.

I make my way downstairs and lean against the door frame, watching Rachel and Silas cozying up on the front step by the side of the fire.

“Any resolutions yet?” I ask.

“Nah,” Silas says. “Those never stick.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever made one,” Rachel admits. “What about you?”

“Well, I definitely want to spend more time at home,” I tell her. “And less time in haunted mansions.”

“Lesstime?” Rachel asks, raising an eyebrow at me. “You want to spendsometime in them?”

“Hey, it wasn’t all bad,” I remind her with a sly grin.

Silas clears his throat. “I’ll probably be spending more time in those kinds of places.”

“Are you serious?” I ask him.

“My dad offered to train me,” he admits. “To take me next time he has a real job.”

“That’s great, Silas,” Rachel tells him.

“You’re not worried he might get sent to hell?” I ask.

“He’s been doing this work for a long time, Carter. Tonight wasn’t anything close to typical. We know now it was trap that necromancer set up for us.”

Right. Yeah. Still.“I’m going to count the minutes every time you go out on a job.”

“I’ll be fine,” Silas tells me. “I promise.”

“If you’re not, I’ll steal the days you spend with Rachel.”

He laughs. “That’ll make sure of it. I’ll make sure I come home just to make sure you can’t do that.”

“I was thinking,” Rachel says. “Maybe we should be together a little more.”

“Are you talking about doing away with the alone together time?” I ask, kind of shocked by the thought of it. At the same time, it would mean we could sneak off every lunch hour at the academy without anyone complaining.Hmm. This could work out in my favor.

“I’m thinking we spend more time together, all four of us. We can still have days for alone together time, just maybe a little less of them.”

“I’m cool with whatever,” I tell her.

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