Page 152 of Shifting Spirits

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Mymate,whowasdisplaying signs of maybe possibly being an Omega last night, has some of the best ideas out of everyone on the planet. Okay, so I might be biased, but I love the way she thinks.

Adrian agreed to demolishing his old bedframe and putting the mattress on the floor next to mine.

Considering I only ever sleep in my own bed when I’m basically forced to, it works out great for me.

It also lets us sleep in one big puppy pile, which is my kind of heaven.

Silas picked the left side of the bed to hang off, Rachel got in the middle with Adrian at her other side, and she passed me along Blue Fox to snuggle with since Adrian isn’t the snuggling sort.

Kind of unfair considering Rachel and I always snuggle and neither of them will do that, but I’ll save that argument for another night. Like it or not, I’m stealing the middle with Rachel. It’s only a matter of time.

I’m the first one awake in the morning, so I go downstairs and look around for breakfast.

I eat a couple of the last remaining gingerbread cookies while I hunt through the fridge.

The bacon’s all done, and I don’t like eggs, so I bring out the milk and put it on the table before I check the pantry cupboards for cereal.

I drop the box of frosted flakes when the doorbell rings.

The cereal for breakfast plan might be scrapped. Half the box has scattered across the floor.

Also, who comes to anyone’s door on the first of January at … okay, four o’clock in the afternoon is a reasonable time for visitors to call. I should probably find some clothes, though. I see one of Silas’ hoodys in the hallway and put it on, zipping it halfway before I pull the door open.

The witch who took us to the woods last night raises her eyebrows at me.

“Is Rachel home?” she asks.

“Depends,” I tell her. “What did you want her for?”

“It’s nothing bad,” she tells me. “We have a little more information to pass along. The case is closed.”

She’s not lying to me, and she doesn’t seem to know I’m a mind-reader.

I open the door wider and step back to let her in. “I’ll go get her. You can wait in the living room.”

She comes into the house. “Thank you.”

I close the door and dart up the stairs.

Adrian’s waking up when I get to the bedroom.

“That witch from last night is here,” I tell him. “She says she has news. Nothing bad.”

Adrian sits up quickly and moves to the dresser, pulling out clothes for him and Rachel.

Rachel wakes up when I sit down next to her, and Silas merely groans when I shake his shoulders.

“Come on, come on,” I tell them. “The case is closed. We don’t need to think about that ass-wipe warlock ever again.”

Silas takes in a deep breath and sits up. Rachel moves over to Adrian and vetoes his choices, taking a pair of jeans out of the drawer instead.

“I’m not getting fulling dressed if we’re just going back to bed when she leaves,” she tells him, which I think is fair enough.

Adrian nods. “Silas, put some clothes on. You, too, Carter.”

Damn it.“She’s already seen me like this,” I tell him.

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