Page 71 of Shifting Spirits

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“Fuck,” I swear, pacing around and trying to let some of my irritation out by turning the air various shades of blue. “That fucking asshole! This is all his goddamned fault. That bastard. That fucking prick …”

I can just about hear the neighbor’s curtains twitching as I pace around.

Sure enough, when I glance up at their house the drapes fall back closed as soon as I make eye-contact.

I force myself to stand still. Force myself to stay calm.

I take off the bracelet, putting it in my pocket and folding my arms in front of me.

Scanning the yard from one end to the other, I don’t find any trace of Sara.

She isn’t here. She got sick of waiting and left.

Which isn’t the relief I thought it would be.

Adrian’s right. I need to speak to her.

She’s just the messenger. She told me the shitty truth when my own goddamned father was too spineless to look me up and tell me himself.

She tried to tell me years ago.

Apollo, that’s what hurts the most.

I could have fucking listened. That’s all I had to do. What would that have cost me?

A few seconds of my time?

I know I would have reacted differently back then. I would have been fucking excited. The chance to get to know my father after my mom was gone was something I would have given anything to have, back then. I could have forgiven him.

Too many years have passed now.

I’m not the desperate kid I was back then. I don’t give people who hurt me a second chance to do it all over again.

I’ve hardened. I had to. My aunt was nothing like my mom.

She was cold, and temperamental. I learned to stay out of her way when she was in a mood. I spent as much time outside of the house as I could. I leaned on Adrian, and a couple of guys from school who turned out to be pricks. I forgave those assholes one too many times and Adrian ended up beating their asses black and blue when they locked me in a fucking morgue to torture me.

It wasn’t too long after that night that I went on the pills to mute spirits.

I never thought I’d stop taking them, but Rachel needed me, and I couldn’t let her down.

Sara doesn’t mean to me what my mate does, but she does mean something.

She warned us when Rachel was in danger. She did that before she got up the guts to show me that we have the same father. Adrian’s right. The girl’s been trying for a damn long time. She cared more than my father ever did. She deserves to be heard out.

I take in a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself a little more before I call on her.

She might not come back, and I don’t want to wait around all day.

I’d rather get this over with.

“Can’t believe I’m doing this,” I mutter.

I move to the end of the garden near the woods and look over the fence before I call on her.

I don’t want to do it too near the house. I don’t want the neighbors watching, and I don’t want to feel like Adrian’s listening to every word. His hearing probably isn’t quite that good, but it’s a risk I’m not willing to take right now.

I’ll be as nice as I can force myself to be. I’ll keep reminding myself she’s my sister. I was an asshole to her, when it’s our father I’m really mad at. I need to apologize and find out what she actually wants from this fucked up situation. Maybe that’ll give her the peace she needs to move on to the other side of the veil.
