Page 97 of Shifting Spirits

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Afteraquickbreakfastand a freshen up, I take the short walk to my friend and coven sister’s house. Amanda’s pleased to see me, and it makes me smile to see her looking so happy. The hug she gives when I walk into her apartment squeezes all the air out of my lungs.

I catch my breath when she lets go, laughing a little bit. “I missed you over the break too, but I didn’t expect you missed me that much …”

“Oh, sorry!” she exclaims, clapping her hands over her mouth for a second as her eyes widen.

“I don’t know what came over me, Rachel. I’m so high right now, I could reach the ceiling without levitating!”

“Um …” I start, looking past her to where Dante’s leaning against the wall watching her with an adoring stare. “High?”

We’ve never talked about drugs, but I really didn’t think it was her thing. It doesn’t seem like something any of her mates would be into, either. Don’t get me wrong, supernaturals experiment like human teenagers, but typically the effects of any intoxicants are dampened in shifters and that tends to make them look lame. It doesn’t look like this.

Dante smiles wryly as he explains, “On magic, of course.”

“Right.” It’s easy to forget Amanda’s new to most of the things that I take for granted.

Replenishing magic and mastering new spells can be utterly intoxicating when it’s all so fresh.

It’s been a really long time since I felt that kind of rush.

“I learned some amazing new spells,” she confesses.

“Elemental magic,” Dante adds quickly, as if he’s making sure I know he isn’t teaching her anything that wouldn’t be appropriate.

He can be a little guarded, I’ve noticed. Amanda’s hinted at his rough past, and if she hadn’t, I could guess he hasn’t had it easy. For an Omega, he feels more like a Beta. Over-protective and always ready for a fight.

“Fire?” I ask, trying to remember what impressed me most when I was learning.

“And ice,” he says with a hint of a smirk. “Mostly ice.”

Amanda’s cheeks flush when she glances at him. Clearly there’s a reference I’m not getting here, and I probably don’t want to understand what it is unless I want to find out about my friend’s bedroom habits.

I clear my throat. “Well, I’d love to say this is a social visit, but I need to ask a favor.”

“We’re all out of favors today,” Dante says, giving me a wry smile and a shrug. “You’ll just have to try again later.”

“Dante!” Amanda chides. She looks back at me. “Is it for the same reason Silas came over yesterday?”

“Yeah, it is. We really need to know where his sister went and we’re trying to figure it out on our own but considering the circumstances I’m pretty sure we need a necromancer to fully crack this. If Kelly could help with that, I’d owe her one.”

“You already owe her one,” Dante says. “And us.”

“Put it on my tab,” I tell him. “I always pay up.”

He gets his phone out of his pocket and checks the time. “Just as well it’s a decent hour over there.”

Right. Kelly’s in the U.K. There’s a time difference.

“Do you want a coffee, or a soda or something?” Amanda asks.

I shake my head. “I’m just trying to get some help on this before we leave town for the day.”

“You’re going somewhere for new year?”

“Kind of,” I tell her. “It’s a haunted house. Long story.”

“Well, you’ll need to tell me all about it when you get back.”

“I’ll make sure I do.” Let’s just hope it’s a story with a happy ending.
