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“I know you can,” Adriana cooed at this man.

I peeked around the corner and saw them standing by the fireplace in the living room area. The penthouse had an open floor plan on the ground floor and everything was left exposed.

Alister grabbed Adriana’s face and slammed his lips onto hers. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled and tugged at his clothes.

My mouth hung open at what I was witnessing.

This was the same woman who had done a cover story on her fairytale romance to husband Gabriel a few months ago. This was the same woman who on numerous occasions on social media had praised her adoring husband.

Life really wasn’t what it seemed after all.

The slurping of their kisses and the moans coming from the two of them made my stomach churn.

Oh. My. God.

This was definitely none of my business. Slowly I turned to go back up the stairs and pretend I had not seen a thing. But I slipped and the vase in my hand went crashing down to the floor.

“Shit.” I hissed. The one time I needed to be sneaky I had fumbled.

“Who’s there?” Adriana demanded.

I could play this one of two ways. One, I keep quiet and try sneak back upstairs. Two, I confess to having seen them and potentially lose the best job I have ever had.

Before my brain could even properly calibrate everything Adriana rounded the corner.

“You.” She pointed at me. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m looking after Michael today, remember? You called me and said that you and Mr Farrington had…ummm…some business to attend to.”

I watched the mask slowly come over her face and a small smile slipped onto her lips. “Look, Brianna. I don’t know what you think you saw but—”

“Nothing. I saw absolutely nothing at all.” I held my hands up. “I’m just here to do a job and nothing more. Whatever you and your husband choose to do in your spare time is none of my business.”

She opened her mouth to speak but the guy from earlier rounded the corner.

“Who the fuck is she?” He looked at me with such anger it took me slightly aback. I didn’t miss the way he turned his nose up at me like I was some vile scum under his feet. I hated assholes like this.

“She is Brianna.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“Alister, I’ve got this. Why don’t you go sit down.”

Alister placed a hand on the small of Adriana’s back. “Is she going to be a problem for us?”

“No,” Adriana bit out. “I’ve got this handled.”

“I don’t trust the help. Why if she tries to extort you?”

I had to stop myself from snorting. That was a bit cliché of him. But then again people like him were used to people coming after them for money.

“She’s my nanny. I trust her not to say anything. Now go. I need to talk to Brianna, alone.”

Alister didn’t make an initial move at first but then he finally left to go back to the living room area.

Adriana turned to me with a perfectly placed smile. “Look, Bri, can I call you that?”


“Of course.”

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