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“Relax, Brianna.” I looked up at her. “You are so tense.”

“Sorry,” she muttered, releasing her hold on the counter. But she didn’t relax her muscles.

“How’s your jaw?” I asked, continuing my work.

“Sore. Your ex-wife has one hell of a left hook.” She grumbled. “Didn’t expect that from her.”

“Adriana is full of surprises.” I finished with one leg and then moved onto the other. “But you also let her have a go at you.”

“What do you mean? She lunged for me.”

I looked up at her, “I’m not stupid, Brianna. You have a brown belt in jujitsu. You could take down someone like Adriana no sweat. You let her hit you.”

She remained silent which meant that I was right.

“How did you know that?”

“I’m your boss. It’s my job to know your background. It’s one of the many reasons I chose you as Michael’s nanny. You can hold your own.”

A slow burning blush tinted her cheeks. It was one of the most adorable things that I had seen.

“There,” I stood to my full height. “All done. Is Michael still sleeping?”

She shook her head. “I gave him to Delilah when Adriana started yelling. I didn’t want him to see his mother like that.”

I hummed my agreement. “Thank you. For what you do for my son. Michael is lucky to have you.”

A slow smile made its way to her lips. “I think I’m lucky to have him. He has brought a sense of purpose to my life. It’s amazing to sometimes see the world as he sees it.”

Her blue eyes pierced into me like a sharp knife. The way they twinkled against the bright lights of the bathroom.

Suddenly I was transported back to that kitchen. Surrounded by her scent with only one thing on my mind. I had this urge to know what she tasted like. To feel her lips against mine. Were they as soft as I imagined them to be? If I kissed her right now would she taste just like the strawberries she smelt of. All I needed to do was just lean a little forward.

One kiss. That was all I wanted. One little taste.

But my one fear was that one would not be enough. That I would continue to crave more.

Coming to my senses I pulled away again.

For a split second I saw a flash of disappointment cross her features. But as soon as it appeared it quickly flashed away.

“I need to get ready. You can check on Michael.” Was all I said before I hightailed it out of the bathroom and headed back to my room.

Twice now I had a lapse of judgment. Twice now I felt myself teetering very close to the edge. This could no longer happen. I needed to do better.

Dominic was right. Brianna was innocent in all of this. My world was filled with deceit, betrayal, and vengeance. It was no place for a soul like hers.

I had a new goal for myself. Not only would I protect Brianna from the press and the media. But I would also protect her from myself. That was the only way I could ensure that she made it out of here unscathed.

I just hoped that I could manage it all.




I looked out the car window, my nerves were through the roof. The diamond on my finger felt like it weighed a ton.
