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“Gabriel! Who is she? How long have you been together?”

Gabriel pulled away from me with a small smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes. He rubbed his thumb along my bottom lip before he turned to face the reporters.

“She’s my fiancé.”

And there we have it. The bomb had been dropped and there was officially no turning back.




As far as our debut event as a ‘couple’ goes we did pretty well. Gabriel took the lead in conversations, and I stood by his side acting like the dutiful fiancé. To be honest my brain was still short circuiting from the kiss.

It had been…everything.

It was a simple kiss and probably didn’t last longer than 5 seconds, but it had awakened me in a way I couldn’t put into words.

The way his arm had wound around me. The way his eyes had watched me and reflected back the desire I had for him.

The entire night was spent with us being attached at the hip. I knew that we were playing the part of being a couple in love, but it was hard to separate the pretend from the real. The actions were all pretend. But the feelings going on in my chest were very much real.

The whole night hadn’t gone completely smooth. I had the pleasure of meeting Gabriel’s parents, again. The first time they hadn’t remembered me. I was simply a background character to them at the time. Now, Gabriel had pulled me from the background and placed me in the spotlight.

I still remember the way his mother’s nose turned up at me in disgust. His father looked me up and down with disdain. They never said a word. They simply addressed their son and went about the rest of their evening.

They hated me.

Much like most of the female population in Chicago. They saw me as the gold digger who had somehow nabbed the most eligible bachelor in the Midwest.

‘The ultimate heist’, as the Chicago Post had so elegantly put it.

But now, four days had passed since the event and I thought that maybe Gabriel and I had established somewhat of a friendship.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Gabriel was ice cold when we got back to the Penthouse. He only answered me with one or two words. He didn’t look my way and appeared to pretend I wasn’t even there. He even opted to eat his dinner in his study—away from me.

Did it hurt? Yes. But I wasn’t about to address it with him.

I may have worn his ring in public, but I was not his woman behind these walls. I was simply the help.

It was Thursday and I was bored out of my mind. Michael was with Adriana for the night and I had nothing to do.

I had reorganized my already clean and organized room. I had read through two romance novels and had also attempted to draw but my mind was blank. All I could think about was that damn kiss and how it was making me feel things I wasn’t meant to be feeling.

It was a little after 2pm when my phone rang with an unknown number.

“Hello?” I stared out my window at the Chicago skyline. I would never get over this view.

“Hey baby girl.” My mothers voice said through the receiver.

“Mom?” This was the first time I was hearing from her in weeks. “Where the hell have you been?”

“Here…there…everywhere.” She laughed like she had said the funniest thing in the world.

“You’re high, aren’t you?”
