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“Love you too.” Then I hung up the phone.

Adriana and I didn’t say ‘I love you’ too often. We weren’t that kind of couple. We had been together for five years. Our relationship started during our freshman year of college. She just made sense. She was the kind of girl my parents wanted me with. The kind of woman that fits into Chicago’s high society.

So when my parents suggested I propose to her it only seemed like the next logical step. I loved her and she loved me. Besides, the tabloids had called our wedding way before we had even made it official.

I knew the responsibilities I had to my family. And I knew I had to fulfill them. Adriana understood the weight I carried and she was willing to brave the load with me. She claimed it was for love but I knew that it also had something to do with my family name.

The Farrington name carried a lot of power in many parts of the world.

The knock came again and I was drawn out of my train of thought.


Martha peeked her head into my office. “Your nanny is here to see you.”



This was weird. “Let her through.”

Martha nodded and closed the door.

I leaned back in my chair and waited for another knock to come at my door.

“Come in.”

The door opened and in walked a rather timid looking Brianna. I could see the nervousness painted over her soft features.

“Brianna,” I greeted her. “To what do I owe the pleasure.”

Her eyes darted around the room until they finally landed on me but only for a few seconds. She cast her gaze to the floor and opened her lips to speak.

“I need to tell you something rather personal. And I’m not sure how exactly you are going to receive it.” Her eyes lifted to meet my gaze. “May I sit down?”

I gestured for the seat on the opposite side of my desk. I couldn’t help but hear my wife’s words echo inside my mind.

‘She wants you…’

Was this the reason that Brianna was here? Was she here on some idiotic mission to confess her undying love for me?

I watched her carefully as she settled into the seat. She fidgeted with her fingers and she could hardly meet my gaze. Her breath came out in low shallow pants. Barely noticeable but I had a sharp eye. I noticed everything.

“Are you just going to stare at your shoes or are you going to speak?” I kept my voice stern. I didn’t like people who waffled about or beat around the bush. If she had something to say then she could say it with her head held high.

“I didn’t know if it would be right to come to you like this but I don’t see any other option. I can’t continue to work for you while knowing what I know.”

You. Are. Shitting. Me.

Was she about to actually confess her feelings for me? Was my wife right?

“I don’t know you very well Mr Farrington,” she lifted her icy blue gaze to meet my hazel eyes. “But I have no doubt that you are a good man.”

That all depended on who you asked. Some would describe me as the spawn of Satan himself.

“Get to the point Miss Scott. I hate when people waffle around.”

She sat up a little straighter. “Right. Okay then. I will just come right out and say it. No beating around the bush. I can just blurt it out and—”

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