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“Did you really think Gabriel truly wanted you? He was only using you to get back at Adriana after her little mishap with that Alister fellow. Thankfully they reconciled yesterday.”

I placed the pictures down and turned them so that I didn’t have to see them anymore.

“I don’t believe a word that comes from your mouth. You just want me to leave Gabriel which I understand, but it’s not going to happen.”

She rolled her eyes and then placed a small iPad in front of me. She pressed the play button and I watched the video.

Adriana and Gabriel were mere centimeters apart. He was looking down at her lips as she drew in closer and closer. They both leaned in and then the video stopped.

I was quiet for a moment trying to keep one straight thought. When I looked up at Mrs Farrington, she appeared to have a calculated glint in her eyes.

“Where is the rest of it?”

“Do you need to see more?”

I nodded. “Any video can be edited to look a certain way. And seeing as you want me out of your son’s life, I know you are just about willing to do anything. Am I wrong?”

She scowled at me. “Don’t try to play smart with me. You are playing a game you will never win.”

“Gabriel is not a game to me Mrs. Farrington. He is my life now and you just need to learn to accept that.”

“Who do you love more, your mother or my husband?” Adriana’s voice said from behind me.

She walked up from behind me and settled into the chair next to Gabriel’s mother. They were spitting images of each other in the way that they dressed. I was now understanding this to be the Farrington look I would never quite achieve.

“What do you want, Adriana? Was the article not enough for you?”

“Oh, that was just a warmup sweetheart.” She leaned in her chair. “Now answer my question. Who do you love more? Your mother or my husband?”

I dug my nails into the material of the chair. “Last I checked you are his ex-wife. Emphasis on the ex part. Need I remind you? I'm wearing his ring now, not you.”

She waved me off. “This little thing between you two is only temporary. You saw that video. You saw the way he wanted to kiss me. The way our bodies were drawn to each other. No matter how hard you try I will always be in Gabriel’s life. I am the mother of his child. Unlike you who is nothing but a pawn in his ploy to teach me a lesson.”

I bit down on my lip to keep me saying something that I would most likely regret.

“Here is what is going to happen.” She looked at Mrs. Farrington and then back to me again. You are going to leave my husband alone. You are going to break off this little farce of an engagement and you will crawl back into the hole you crawled out from.”


“Then your mother rots behind a cell for the rest of her miserable life. Who knows, maybe one of the cell mates might put her out of her misery and end her life. One less druggie in the world to deal with.”

I shot out of my chair and went to grab her but she pushed away from me.

“The choice is yours Brianna. Who will it be? My son or your mother? And just remember that article was only the beginning. I will bring the fury of a thousand suns over all you care about. What about the weird little friend of yours, Ava. I hear she has been applying for some grants for her projects. It would be a shame if she suddenly dropped out of the running.”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“When it comes to my family, I am willing to go to whatever lengths I need to. I will fight the whole world if I need to.”

Adriana stood from her seat and smiled down evilly at me. She leaned over the table and whispered into my ear. “I told you I would get my husband and son back no matter what.”

She pulled back and flicked my nose before she walked away.

Mrs Farrington also stood to her full height and looked down at me. “Make the wise choice Brianna. I would hate to ruin your measly little life.”

And with that she turned on her heel and followed in the same direction that Adriana had disappeared to.

A wave of nausea hit me and I felt the world spin. I had to brace myself against the table to keep myself from toppling over. I felt like I was going to throw up.
