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I knew that Adriana and I had our issues. What marriage didn’t. But not once had I gone back on my vows to her.

I was a man of honor who took great value in his word. When I promised to stay loyal to her and be with her to the end I had meant it. But she hadn’t.

Now all I could think of was how this would destabilize Michael’s life. How he would not be forced to share his time between the two of us.

I made a vow then and there that I would do whatever it took to keep my son by my side. No matter what it took.

It was rare anyone ever got the jump on me. I was always five steps ahead of everyone else. But Adriana had blindsided me. What more had she wanted? She had the name, the bank account, and the endless influence and power. Yet it had still not been enough.

How the fuck was I going to explain this to my parents?



7 months later…

I stared down at the little sleeping toddler. His little chest rose and fell slowly as sleep drew him in deeper.

It had taken so long to finally get him down. It was nearly eight thirty at night and way past his usual bedtime. I was meant to have gone home three hours ago but I couldn’t leave Michael like this.

He had been sick all day and had hardly eaten. It took both me and Delilah, the head housemaid, to get him to eat. The poor thing was red in the face from crying. It broke my heart.

Ever since his dad filed for divorce he had become moodier. I knew it was probably my imagination, but I felt like he could feel the energy shift in the house.

Neither Adriana nor Gabriel were pleasant to be around. They were both angry and miserable humans. Their split had been very public and very ugly.

Adriana’s affair had been made public. I had my suspicions that she had leaked the story to the news outlets. I wouldn’t put it past that woman.

She had also done countless interviews and was even planning to release a tell all book about ‘the life of a Farrington’. To say the large dynasty was up in arms was an understatement. Shit was hitting the fan and it was falling on all of us.

If I had known that me telling Gabriel about Adriana’s Jezebel ways would have ended us here I would have kept my mouth shut. Not for Gabriel or Adriana but for poor Michael. He didn’t deserve this.

I walked out of his nursery and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Delilah had left me some dinner.

Gabriel was meant to be home hours ago but as per usual he was late.

I had thought for sure that after me sticking my nose in their business I would have been out. But Gabriel asked me to continue to be Michael’s nanny. Adriana on the other hand was less than pleased. The woman hated me. To be fair I did sort of obliterate the lavish life she had known. Instead of being known as the wife to a multi-billionaire, she was now known as the woman who had an affair with a corrupt tech wannabe.

Oh yes, Alister is currently sitting in federal prison for tax evasion and fraud. I had my suspicions that Gabriel had something to with that but that was all guessing.

I looked down at my plate of Mac and cheese. A small smile crept onto my face.

Delilah had made my favorite. This was my comfort food.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and when I reached it I saw the caller ID.

“Hello?” I answered.

“You’re still at work aren’t you?” Alana, my best friend said.

“Yeah. Gabriel still isn’t home and I can’t leave Michael alone.”

“He treats you like a slave, B.” I could hear the distain in Al’s voice. “This is his kid. I think he fails to remember that.”

“He’s just working, not to mention the divorce. It’s probably taking a toll on him.” I was defending the man even though I knew that Alana was right. Gabriel needed to step up. Especially with this custody battle. No judge would rule him a fit father if he comes home at odd hours of the night like he has been.

“What if he is meeting prostitutes at ‘The Weavel’?”

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