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6 months later

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my maternity dress. Michael was currently in the play room with Mariam, his new nanny. After Gabriel and decided to make it official I stepped away from my nanny duties and started to pursue my passion in art.

At first I had been hesitant to let anyone else look after Michael but Gabriel had talked me into it. He was good at that. And he was right. Everything was working out so nicely.

I twirled my ring on my finger trying to calm myself down. Gabriel gave me a new engagement ring after we ended our fake engagement and began our real one. It was a beautiful sapphire ring with a white diamond halo.

Gabriel came up behind me and circled his arms around my waist. He pulled me into his chest and kissed the hollow between my neck and shoulder.

“Calm down. You are panicking for absolutely nothing.”

“It’s her first day out of rehab. I just want her to feel comfortable.”

“And you think she won’t be comfortable here where people are ready to wait on her hand and foot.”

I playfully elbowed him in the rib. But instead of inflicting any kind of pain he laughed. He pulled me in tighter and kissed my cheek. His hand rubbed against my growing belly and I felt our baby girl kick.

Yes, a little girl. Gabriel was over the moon and Michael demanded that we go and get a baby brother and not a baby sister.

He was just over two years old now. He didn’t fully comprehend what was going on. He just knew that mommy had a baby inside of her and it was a girl.

“Is the guest room ready?”

My mother had been in rehab for the past 5 months. She had spent a month in the hospital after she had a few complications due to her detox. But after that wave had passed she had been on the mend. As soon as she was well enough she was discharged and we placed her into a rehab facility.

It had been her idea.

When she woke up she was disorientated. But after she had time to gather herself she told us how she had been on her way to hospital to detox and get help through her withdrawals.

I had known all along that she went to the hospital that day to get help. But hearing it from her own mouth warmed my heart in ways that I couldn’t even describe.

She was different. It was like a switch had gone off in her head and she was truly ready to make a change in her life.

Her therapist had stated that it would be a good idea to be around family while she transitions back into the real world.

I had been hesitant at first to let her come stay with us but Gabriel wasn’t concerned. He had never met her but he believed that she wouldn’t be an issue like she had been in the past.

She needed me right now and this would be an important part of her healing journey. He was right. This time it was different. I believed that this time it would stick.

I watched the numbers on the elevator rise as she made her way to the penthouse suite. With each floor she rode up, the more and more nervous I got.

Miriam came with Michael and handed him to Gabriel.

The doors dinged open and inside stood my mother looking more like herself than she had in years. Her brown hair had been restored and the light in her eyes had returned. Granted it wasn’t as bright as it had been before but it was a start.

She stepped out of the elevator, her eyes locked on me. I could see the unshed tears glistening in her eyes.

I met her half way and came to a halt when we were an arms length away.

“Hey Bri.” She choked out and opened her arms out to me.

“Hey mom.” I leaped into her arms and circled her in a warm embrace.

We both had tears streaming down our faces as we held each other for what seemed like an eternity. I was going to remember this moment forever. This was the moment I finally got my mother back after all those years.

When we pulled away we both had tear stained faces but most importantly we had full hearts.

“Mom, I would like you to meet the two most important men in my life.” I turned to face Gabriel who held Michael in his arms. “This is Michael and my husband Gabriel.”

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I’m a married woman now.

Say hello to the new Mrs Farrington.

The End.
