Page 11 of Hit of Betrayal

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“Are you okay?” He asked me with such worry in his voice.

I would have appreciated the sincerity more if the man who wanted to kill me wasn’t standing back up outside the cabin.

“I’m fine. We have to get out of here.” I looked at the back door and wondered if we could reach it in time. Then I heard the click. We both turned to see Donovan pointing a gun at us, cocked and ready to shoot.

“You aren’t going anywhere, Sweetheart.” Donovan stopped a few feet from us. There was such malice in his voice and I had no idea what I did to make him hate me so much. I thought he had loved me when we were together, I did everything to make him happy. Well almost everything, I suppose. “Get up,” he ordered us.

“Let her go, Donovan,” Hank said as we rose to our feet. He gave Donovan a cold glare. I wished at that moment that looks really could kill. “If you want money, I can give you money.”

“Why do you care?” He turned his gaze towards Hank. “And what happened to you? My dad always bragged to me that you were the best. You seem to suck at your job.”

“I don’t kill innocent women.”

“You would if my dad told you to.”

“Your father wouldn’t. That’s the difference between you and him.”

“Whatever.” Donovan rolled his eyes and looked back at me. “Now give me the key to the safe.” He held out his free hand to me, palm up.

“I don’t have a key to anything,” I told him. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I need the money, Honey. If you cared about me, you’d give it to me.” He was trying to guilt me into giving him what he wanted. The old me would have given in, but in less than twenty-four hours I had become a different woman.

“Ifyoucared about me you wouldn’t have let me think you were dead! And you wouldn’t have hired a hitman to kill me!” I let my emotions get the best of me and I yelled at him. I knew it wasn’t smart as he had a gun pointed at me, but I couldn’t help it.

“Faking my death and staying hidden was what I had to do to get out of the trouble I was in because you wouldn’t give me the money.” His eyes raked my body, noticing my state of undress. After all, I was standing there in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. “And it seems like you are doing just fine with Hank over here. Though, I didn’t think you’d spread your legs for him.” He turned his attention to Hank. “Did you find out what a terrible lay she is?”

“Don’t talk about her like that,” Hank said through gritted teeth.

“You seriously care about this whore?” He spat, pointing at me. “Because that’s what you’ve proven to be. You knew this man for, what, a few hours and you gave it up to him. What would your grandma think about you now?”

That last comment was my breaking point. How dare he mention my grandmother? She had been a saint and the most important person in my life. He knew that would cut deep.

Without thinking about what I was doing, I ran towards him screaming. Then, I heard the gunshot.



I watched in surprise and horror as Georgia charged toward Donovan. She almost reached him, but he was quicker with the trigger and a shot rang out.

Georgia hit the ground, face down, and I saw red.

“You son of a bitch!” I ran towards Donovan, who was looking at Georgia’s body as if he were shocked he shot her.

Because he was stunned, I had time to hit him straight in the jaw. He fell back and the gun fell from his hands. I grabbed it before it hit the ground. Before I knew it, I was standing over Donovan pointing the gun at his heart. “You are fucking done.”

“Wait!” I heard a man’s voice say.

I looked up and saw Roberto Zoria walking up the front walkway.

“This doesn’t concern you, Roberto,” I stated as rage fueled me. I cocked the gun.

“He is my son. You know his blood involves me. Put down the gun,” Roberto ordered in a cool voice.

“I’m sorry. I can’t. Not after what he’s done.” Even though I was speaking to Roberto, I was still glaring menacingly at Donovan, who appeared to be terrified.Not such a badass without the gun,I thought to myself.

“I know. I know. Put down the gun and we can work this out.” Roberto began walking toward me.
