Page 12 of Hit of Betrayal

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“You,” I pointed the gun at Roberto. “You let him put a hit on an innocent woman. You aren’t the man I thought you were.”

As I spoke, Donovan scooted back towards his father.

“I knew nothing about this. I was out of town and he had stolen my phone. I did not realize it until I was gone.” He walked closer toward me. “We both know you don’t want to shoot me.” He moved his hand to push down the gun.

I heard the truth in his voice and I let him. He was probably the only person who could have done that.

Donovan stood up behind his dad. “Don’t let him disrespect our family like this. Get the gun and shoot him!”

“Silence!” He snapped at Donovan and turned to him. “Sit your ass down or I’ll let him shoot you.”

“What?” Donovan looked shocked. I was as well.

“You have disgraced me enough. I will deal with you in a minute.” He gave his son a final stern stare and then turned back to me. He took the gun from my hands. “Now let’s talk.” He motioned to the couch and he led the way, sitting down. I listened, out of respect for this man and the life he had given me.

I sat down next to him on the couch. “How did you know to come here?” Now that I was calming down and not fighting for my life, I wondered how he and Donovan knew about this cabin.

“You don’t think I knew about this cabin? I have eyes everywhere. But I knew you were here because my security team told me Donovan was headed here. I guess Donovan went into my safe where I had a file on you and saw my notes about this cabin. The fact that I can no longer trust my own son pains me.”

“Dad…” Donovan started to say.

“I said silence!” Roberto didn’t even turn around to look at his son.

Donovan immediately stopped talking.

“Now as for this woman,” he nodded to Georgia’s body on the ground. “We better get her some help.”

In an instant, I rushed to Georgia’s body. I had been so focused on taking my revenge on Donovan, that I hadn’t checked to see if she was okay. I turned her over and saw the wound in her stomach. Her abdomen was bloody. Thankfully she was breathing, but she was struggling. Her eyes were closed. It was no surprise that she passed out.

Roberto pulled out a cell phone. “Yes. Please send a car immediately. We need to take a young woman to Dr. Snow. It is urgent. Thank you.” He hung up and put the phone back into his suit jacket pocket.

“So, you didn’t order the hit on her?” I asked him as I held Georgia in my arms.

“No.” He shook his head. “I knew about Georgia when my son was dating her. I didn’t know he was trying to use her. But I did a background search on her. She was raised by her grandmother who raised her to be the good person she is. She has a clean record and seems to be a pure soul. I thought she would be a saving grace for my son. I guess my spoiling him has made him rotten.” He looked back at Donovan and gave him a look that made him cower like a child. “I just hope Dr. Snow can save her in time.”

Chapter Eight


“The removal of the bullet went well. I didn’t see any other injuries. But she still hasn’t woken up so we are going to keep an eye on her,” Dr. Snow informed us as we sat in the backroom of her medical office.

It was a room that was blocked from view from her patients with a back door entrance and an entrance into her own personal office. Roberto had a special agreement with Dr. Snow. He paid her very well to be on call for him. She kept it quiet and didn’t ask too many questions.

“Thank you,” Roberto said to her as she exited the room through the side door that went into her own office. Once she was gone Roberto sat down next to me. “I think she will be okay.” He patted my arm.

“You don’t know that,” I replied, not looking at him.

I couldn’t take my eyes off Georgia’s unconscious form. I was silently praying to whatever god would hear me to let her live. I was making deals of being a better man, ones that I wasn’t sure I could keep, but I didn’t care. Somehow this woman had snuck into my heart and the thought of her not being here anymore hurt worse than anything I had ever felt before.

“Have faith,” he stated. There was an awkward silence and then he spoke again. “I want to talk about your position in my organization.”

“Really?” I gave an incredulous look. “Right now?”

His reply was a nod.

“If you are having your son involved, I’m sorry, I can’t be a part of it. I want to murder him as we speak.” Just the thought of Donovan living and Georgia not making it made my blood boil.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s been sent away for a long time.” His face looked pained, but he kept it professional. I couldn’t imagine how he felt having his son, someone who was supposed to be his heir, betray his trust. “I no longer want to keep you as my hitman.”
