Page 15 of Hit of Betrayal

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“Levana Wright?” The woman paused. “Didn’t you get the updated email?”

I pulled out my phone to discover that it was still in airplane mode. As soon as I fixed that, I got an incoming alert to a new email. It was from the landlord telling me that my lodging lease had been canceled. “I found it. What does this mean?” I asked the voice of the speaker.

“As it says, your lease was canceled.” The woman sounded annoyed at my question.

“Who canceled it?” I asked.

Before the woman could answer, I heard a voice behind me. “I did.”

I turned around to see a woman who appeared to be in her sixties. She was wearing a white pantsuit and her silver hair was pinned up in a bun. She looked like a lawyer or a librarian.

“Who are you?”

“So nice to finally meet you, Levana. I hope you don’t mind me sneaking up on you. Once Fred confirmed he dropped you off I just couldn’t wait any longer.” She gave me a warm smile. So that was why the car service knew about her. “I’m Marigold Dred. Your grandmother,” she introduced herself.

“Dred?” I asked, wondering if I heard her say her last name correctly.

“Yes, dear. Your last name is Dred as well. Well, it should be, at least.” I could sense a distaste in her tone at that last statement.

“My last name is Wright.”

“That is the name your mother provided to you.” She looked disgusted. “Come along.” She waved me towards a black car parked next to the curb. “I can explain more later. Let’s get you set up in your chambers.”

“My what?” I wanted to laugh.Who said chambers anymore, I joked to myself.

“Your room at the academy. All staff have the option to board for free. And since you are new to the community I figured it would be better than an apartment.” She looked at the apartment building as if it was beneath her socially.

“Why wasn’t I told that when I got hired?”

“There is a reason we needed staff changes.”

“I appreciate the room, but I can’t help but be honest. It does bother me that no one got my consent.”

Marigold smiled at me. “You are a strong woman, a true Dred. I understand your feelings and please accept my apologies. I just wanted to sort it all out as a welcome home gift.” She winked at me as a man in a black suit exited the driver's side. He bowed his head to us in greeting and walked over to the back door, opening it in front of me.

I hesitated but got in, ignoring the voice in my head that was saying it was a bad idea.

The man shut the door once I was fully inside and then I heard him run around to the other side and opened the door for Marigold.

“Thank you, William. To Rosenwood Academy please,” Marigold instructed him once she was seated next to me inside.

A few moments later, we were on the move. The town of Rosenwood flew by as I watched from the window. I never thought I’d actually be visiting the town. I had done lots of research on it, fantasizing about what it was like. I was honored to be in a town of so much history, good and bad.

“Admiring your home?” Marigold watched me.

I nodded. Calling Rosenwood home felt odd to me. It felt wrong. I knew it was because I was going against my mother’s wishes, but it was my life and I had to live it. I needed to know where I came from.

There was so much I still didn’t know. Who was my father? Why had I never heard of this grandmother before? Why was my mom so adamant that Rosenwood was a no-discussion topic? I had hoped I would find the answers by coming to Rosenwood.

We pulled up to a large iron gate and I watched William push a button next to the visor. The gate opened inward and the car lurched forward as we drove down a smooth path passing by large shrubs.

After a few minutes, I saw it; the school. It was a large gothic-looking building with a pointed steeple at the top. There were many windows that appeared to be tinted. I couldn’t help but wonder who was watching us as I got a sense we were definitely being watched.

The car eventually came to a stop in front of a small group of stairs that led to a large wooden door with stained glass windows. “Welcome to Rosenwood Academy.” Marigold patted my hand that was on the seat.

On instinct, I pulled my hand away. I then glanced at her face to see if I had offended her, but she didn’t seem to be bothered. Her door opened and William helped her out.

I opened my door and as I climbed out William rushed over to me. “I got it, Miss.”

“I can get my own door.” I briefly wondered what time period I was in. “But thank you,” I added quickly, realizing that I may have appeared rude.

“Life will be very different for you now, dear.” Marigold winked at me again and then started up the steps.

I followed her, ignoring the chill that ran down my spine. She pressed a button next to the wooden door and it opened automatically, revealing a hall with high ceilings. As I followed her through the doorway, the moment my foot hit the marble floor I felt a jolt rush through me. My body tingled as if I had been shocked. I swayed and feared that I was going to fall.

Marigold grabbed my arm, steadying me. “Careful.” She smirked.

“What happened?” I looked around as if my surroundings would help me understand. I had never experienced anything like that.

“Just Rosenwood Academy welcoming you.” She smiled, but it didn’t comfort me. Instead, it filled my belly with dread.
