Page 14 of Hit of Betrayal

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“It’s our story to control now.” I held out my hand. “Hi, I’m Georgia.”

He smiled and took my hand. “Hi. I’m Hank. Can I take you out sometime?”

I smirked. “Sure. As long as you aren’t a killer or anything.”



Want more? Check out the first chapter ofCursed Bloodline,Book One of The Rosenwood Academy Series.

Chapter One

“Dred is poison. Stay away from the bloodline trickery.”

My mother’s words were still in my head as I flew from Sacramento, California to Rosenwood, North Carolina and guilt swirled in my stomach. I was going to the one place my mother forbade me from ever going. But even on her deathbed, she knew my curiosity was too vast.

All my life, I had asked her about our family, where we came from, and who my father was. She responded that it was best that I didn’t know; that they were not good people. So, with her last breath, she delivered that cryptic warning.

My mother, bless her soul, passed away six months ago. She had been diagnosed with cancer and it spread quickly. By the time we were able to process it, she was very sick. As soon as she realized she wouldn’t win the battle, she started to get her affairs in order. Then she left me.

Once she was gone, I was broken. My mother was my whole world. It had always been her and I against the world. With her gone from this earth, I felt a hole inside myself and the home we shared was my hell. Everywhere reminded me that she was no longer with me.

After a while, I decided I had to move. I had worked as a school receptionist at the local high school so I did a search with no limit on location for a similar job. I wanted to relocate, far away from the home I grew up in. There was a job opening at Rosenwood Academy for an office manager position. I believed that I was qualified, even though I hadn’t had that position officially. I always helped the office manager at the school I had been working at. There was more guilt about my leaving, but I felt it was the best thing for me.

I ended up getting the job at Rosenwood Academy. It was the quickest hiring process I had ever experienced. I was hired within an hour after I applied. There was no interview process, and no questions were asked. I just received a call from a woman at the school asking if I could start in a month. I graciously accepted and then I got to work giving my two weeks' notice. My current boss wasn’t thrilled with the idea of me leaving.

I had money saved up so I began looking for a place to rent in Rosenwood. I found a studio apartment that would work for the time being. Then, I spent the remainder of the month packing and saying goodbye to my friends.

The announcement that we were landing brought me out of my head. I had arrived in Rosenwood.

As I was exiting the plane I couldn’t help but think about how even though I knew I was going against my mother’s wishes, I was still excited. I hoped that I would find out more about my family, and discover where I came from. Maybe even find out who my father was.

I grabbed my bags from the baggage carousel and walked out of the airport, where I spotted the car that I had ordered. As I approached the trunk popped open. I put my bags in there, the few that I had, closed the trunk, and then got into the back seat of the car.

“Where to ma’am?” The driver asked me. He was an older man wearing a fedora hat, not something typically seen in Los Angeles. I gave him the address of the apartment building. “Are you visiting someone?” He asked as he pulled away from the curb and began driving to the location I had indicated.

“I just moved here. I got a job at Rosenwood Academy.” I usually wasn’t a chatty person, but the man seemed friendly and I figured he was just making small talk.

“Rosenwood Academy, you say?” He looked at me through his rearview mirror. “Are you a teacher or something?”

“I will be the new front office manager.”

Saying the words out loud made it feel real. I had been so focused on the move and the adventure I was going to embark on, that I didn’t really have time to celebrate my new job position. My mom would have been proud, but she would not have approved of where it was at.

“Is that so?” He gave me a quizzical look. I was about to ask him what he meant when he added, “Congratulations on the new job. Welcome back”

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile. I decided not to ask him about his odd question or comment on him welcoming me back.

A few minutes later, he pulled up to a small, three-story brown building. It looked aged. I thanked him for the ride and issued a tip on the car service app.

I climbed out and grabbed my bags from the trunk. The car drove off as soon as I closed the trunk. My bags were all I had. The studio was supposed to come furnished and I thought a fresh start was what I needed.

I approached the main entrance of the building. It had a metal screen door. When I tried to turn the knob, I discovered it was locked and I hadn’t been given a key. To the left I saw a call box with a guide of the residences and what number called which apartment. I searched for the number for the landlord and entered it.

“Yeah?” a young woman’s voice sounded on the speaker.

“Um, this is Levana Wright. I am a new tenant.”
