Page 8 of Hit of Betrayal

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I had been dared by some school friends to jump the wall that surrounded the property and take an orange from their orange tree. One to never turn down a dare, I did it. I almost got away with it too. But as I was climbing back up, my foot slipped and I fell, spraining my ankle.

Before I could attempt to get away, Roberto Zoria himself found me and must have seen something in me because I wasn’t punished for my trespassing. Instead, he had me fixed up and took me under his wing. In secret, of course. He taught me to fight, but to be smart about it. And he was the one who told me to always have a backup plan. He trained me to be the hitman I am today. He always said I was his secret weapon.

So, his letting his son send me on a disaster of an assignment made no sense. The only reason I hadn’t questioned it when I saw that Donovan was the one who called the hit, was because of Roberto. I knew I had to figure out what was going on before Donovan ruined my name. To me, Roberto Zoria was a decent man, but he wasn’t a man that anyone would ever want to think ill of them. Men like me made anyone who did him wrong disappear.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost missed the gravel road that led to my secluded cabin. I turned quickly and the jostle woke up Georgia.

“Are we there?” She squinted out the window. It was dark outside, as it was almost midnight. I doubted she could see much.

“Just about.” I drove a little farther down the road and then my headlights lit up a one-story wooden cabin. I drove around to the back of the cabin and parked the car. If anyone came down this road for any reason, they wouldn’t see my car. “We are going to go through the back.”

I opened my car door and got out. As I grabbed my duffle bag from the trunk, I heard the passenger door shut. I walked around to where she was. “Make sure to grab your…” I looked up and saw she already had her purse, making my statement pointless.

“A woman knows to never leave her purse in a car.” She smiled, playfully.

That was the first friendly expression she had given me since she thought she was helping me in her kitchen and I found myself staring at her. I could see why Donovan liked her. She was gorgeous and I could tell her heart was pure. That also made her an easy target. Just the thought of a woman like this being taken advantage of by a sleazeball like Donovan made me angry.

“What? Did I say something wrong?” She gave me an odd look.

That’s when I realized I was giving her the look I wanted to give to Donovan. I adjusted my facial expression back to serious. “Follow me this way,” I said as I walked past her towards the back porch of the cabin.

Chapter Six


The grouch led me to the back door of his cabin. He unlocked it and I followed him inside as he flipped a light switch and exposed the interior of the cabin. It was small but nice.

There was a living room with a brown armchair and a matching three-seat couch. The coffee table in front of the couch was made of wood. There was a flat screen tv on the wall across from the seating and on the wall next to the couch was a fireplace.

Behind the couch was the kitchen. It wasn’t big, but perfect for one or two people. Next to the kitchen was, what appeared to be the front door. Then to the right of the front door, I saw three doors curve to the right. I supposed it was the bedroom, bathroom, and a closet.

“Make yourself at home I guess,” Hank said as he locked the door behind me. He closed the drapes and then went to the front of the cabin, turning off the kitchen light and closing the black-out curtains.

I took a seat on the couch. “So are we safe here?” I asked.

“Yeah. No one knows I own this place. Not even my boss.” He set his duffel bag down on the armchair.

“The boss that wants me dead right?” I couldn’t hide the bitterness in my voice.

That was what I felt, bitter. The betrayal of my ex-fiance hurt my heart. I could feel it breaking in my chest.

“That I am not sure of. I know that your fiance wants you dead, he hired the hit. But I am not sure where his father fits in.” He had a pondering look on his face. I had to admit, he was very handsome. Even if he was a bad guy.

“I just don’t get it. I don’t have a key to anything valuable. And why would the man who asked me to marry him want me dead?” I asked out loud hoping maybe Hank could provide some light on the matter.

He shrugged. “Because he’s a jerk? We need to figure out how to get out of this mess.” He sat down on the couch next to me. “But we need to get some sleep. Well, I do anyway. You’ve had plenty,” he added with a chuckle.

“Stop.” I swatted his arm playfully. We both looked down at the spot where I hit his arm, surprised that I even had the audacity. “Sorry.”

I averted my gaze, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. I had no clue why I was flirting with him. While he was hot as hell, he was also the man who originally was going to kill me.

“We seriously need some rest,” he said, changing the subject, helping the awareness in the air ease. He started to stand up, but I grabbed his arm.

“Can we watch some TV to wind down first?” I looked at him with pleading eyes.

He held my gaze for a moment and then nodded before he sat back down. I briefly wondered what he saw.

He grabbed the remote and turned on the television. About fifteen minutes in, I fell asleep.
