Page 7 of Hit of Betrayal

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“Well, I guess you remember everything from before you passed out,” I chuckled.

“And plenty more.” She glared straight ahead.

Chapter Five


I had never felt anger like I did at that moment. When I woke up to my phone ringing, I had hoped all the events of the day were just a dream. I had plenty of them after Donovan’s “death”, where he was alive and we got to live a happy life.

But when I heard his voice on the other end of the phone, I knew that I hadn’t been dreaming. I was stuck in a twisted reality where the man I had loved had sent someone to kill me. As I listened to him try to sweet-talk me, I felt sick to my stomach. Little did he know, that trusting, naive woman was gone. All it took was one big lie to be exposed.

Suddenly, I felt my phone being ripped from my grasp. “What the hell?” I looked at Jerad, or Hank as I heard Donovan call him, as he got out of the car. At the sound of something crunching against the asphalt, I looked out of the window. He was smashing my phone! I got out of the car quickly. “What are you doing?!”

“I heard him say he knew where you were. We can’t have them tracking us,” he explained.

I realized that he had broken not only my phone but his own as well. He had a good point. I just didn’t want to agree with him. I was in my ‘fight’ mode and this man was the enemy. Even if he was helping to save my life.

“Get in the car. We need to go now,” he pointed towards the backseat.

“I’m riding shotgun.” I walked around the back of the car and got into the passenger seat. I shut the door behind me and put on my seat belt. When I looked at the driver’s side, I saw that the door was open and he was still standing in the same spot. “Well? Aren’t we going…Hank?” I said his name with a little more snark.

“Yeah.” He got into the car and shut the door. “So, you figured out my real name, huh?” He asked as he started the car and we headed out of the parking lot.

“It was hard to miss with Donovan yelling it.”

“That idiot,” Hank said under his breath.

“I’m starting to figure that out.” I looked out the window. We turned left onto the main street. “So where are we going now?”

“I have a safe house for myself. We will hide out there for a bit until I figure this out.”

“What’s there to figure out? Donovan is a lying asshole. And he sent you to kill me. Seems pretty simple to me.” It was anything but simple. But I was mad and I just wanted to argue.

“How about why he wants you killed?” He turned to me and asked, “what key is he referring to?”

“I have no idea what key he is talking about.” I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting.

“Well, you better start thinking why he thinks you have a key. Then maybe we can figure out what he wants and how to get ourselves out of this mess.”

“How long until we are there?” I changed the subject.

“About two hours.”

“Well, then I’m going to sleep.” I curled up on the seat to get more comfortable.

“Fainting twice in one day wasn’t enough sleep for you?” He joked.

I just glared at him and shut my eyes. It took a little while, but I willed my body to relax and I drifted off to sleep moments later.



I continued to steal glances at her as I drove. She was really beautiful, and I liked it when she got feisty. It was as if a switch had been flipped the moment she realized Donovan’s lies. It was like a completely different woman came to life, and that woman wanted to fight. I just hoped I could convince her that I was now an ally, no longer an enemy.

I was thankful that we got away from my apartment complex undetected, though I did check the rearview mirror a few times to make sure we weren’t being followed. Once we got off the freeway and started up the mountain road, I relaxed a bit. I had a cabin up there that no one knew about. I got the idea from Roberto Zoria.

Roberto Zoria wasn’t just my boss, he was my mentor. He was the closest thing to a father I ever had. I had met him when he caught me trespassing on his property. The Zoria Estate was popular and all of us kids were fascinated by it. Especially those of us without a lot.
