Page 50 of Give Me a Reason

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Olivia and I spend the next couple days in either my bungalow or hers, getting to know each other in a whole different way and trying to figure out how to tell everybody that we’re together now. The parents always spend the first few days of break mostly in their rooms, only coming out to hit the beach or some of the other activities for an hour or so before they go back.

I prefer to think that they’re all catching up on sleep because I refuse to consider the possibility that they’re doing the same thing we’ve been keeping ourselves busy with. The point, however, is that we haven’t had to worry much about them missing us because they’re all otherwise occupied.

Maxim and Emma have also mostly been holed up in their bungalow, but I know for a fact Emma’s working hard on her next book since she keeps sending me chapters once Valerie and Jolene have been over them so I can start making the teasers.

I don’t know what the others are up to, but after that first day on the beach, everyone is doing their own thing for now. Our time is running out, though. Soon enough, they’re all going to emerge from the fog of sleeping off the tour hangover, and then we’re going to have to have an answer.

“Your dad is going to kill me,” I say, stroking Olivia’s back as she lies naked on her stomach beside me. Her chin is propped up on one of her palms, and her legs are bent, her ankles hooked as she shrugs.

“He might.” She agrees with a smug grin on her lips. “I’ll try to stop him, but he’s pretty strong. And proficient in the use of every weapon ever made.”

“Gee, it’s good to know you love me so much that you’d try.” I chuckle, bending over to kiss the top of her head. “Are you not the least bit worried about what my parents are going to say?”

Her cheeks flush the most beautiful shade of rose, but she shrugs again. “Nah. They love me, and I’m a good influence, so I’m pretty sure they’re going to be okay with it.”

I sigh, and I can’t stop fucking smiling. It turns out that being in love is pretty great for the cheek muscles. I’ve never smiled this much in my life. “Yeah, you’re right. Mom is probably going to start planning our wedding as soon as she finds out just to try to keep you in my life.”

Eyes widening for a moment, she groans. “I’ve just realized this is probably both our mothers’ dreams come true. You know that, right? They’ve always been best friends, and now they’ll be in-laws.” Her eyes widen even more. Then she backpedals like crazy. “Ifwe get married, which I know probably won’t happen. I mean, we’ve only just started dating, and I don’t expect you to marry me just because we told each other that we loved each other, and obviously, I’m not in a rush or anything, and—”

“Jesus, Liv.” I laugh, ducking from my seated position to look into her eyes. “Take a damn breath before you pass out, would you? I knew what you meant, but for the record, I’ve never felt this way before. Eventually, I think we should get married.”

“You do?” She stares up at me, blinking in surprise. “You’re not just saying that, right?”

I shake my head, bringing it down again to brush a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’m not just saying it. We’ve known each other a long time, and I know this part of our relationship is new, but I know you, Liv. I know who you are, and I’m head over heels for you. I’m done fucking around. I’m not suggesting we get engaged tomorrow, but you’re it for me.”

“You’re it for me too,” she murmurs, her eyes closing as she presses her lips to mine again. “I wasn’t specifically saving myself for marriage, but I’m glad I waited for you. I love you, and thank you for being patient with me.”

“I wasn’t patient,” I admit. “It just about killed me not to touch you. That’s why I left the hotel that day. I was afraid I was going to snap and fuck you six ways from Sunday if I didn’t get out of there.”

“Seriously?” She chuckles dryly, opening her eyes again to look at me with questions in them. “You left because of me? You shouldn’t have done that, Vince.”

“I know, but I didn’t leave because of you. I left because of me. I just… I needed some air. Some space. I needed to clear my head, but then I figured out I was in love with you, and, well, you already know how that went.”

“You freaked out and got drunk by yourself? Wow. I didn’t know loving me would’ve come as such as shock to you.”

“It did, but I didn’t get drunk by myself. I made a friend.” When she suddenly recoils from me, I laugh and grab her around the waist, hauling her up and into my lap. “Aguyfriend, baby. I swear I didn’t even look at another woman. I haven’t since London. I’ve been all about you, all the time.”

“Well, it was still stupid,” she grumbles, but then she smiles and squirms on top of me. “All about me, all the time, huh? So what are you going to do with me now that you have me?”

My cock wakes up again even though we haven’t even gotten dressed since the last round. She spent the better part of the morning finally getting to experiment with the piercing and seeing what I like about it, and I fucking loved every minute of it. She can take her curiosities out on me anytime.

I hold her closer, one hand moving up to tangle into her hair while the other moves down between her legs. “I don’t know yet, but I’ve got a few ideas.”

“Show me,” she breathes out, moaning as I slide my fingers between her folds. “Fuck, baby. How can I want you so much again already?”

“I’m not sure,” I say before sealing my lips over hers again, unable to stop kissing her even as I answer her question. “It’s the same for me, though. I have no idea how we’re ever going to leave the room again.”

“We’ve been leaving for meals and stuff,” she replies, cupping my throat and stroking my jaw with her thumbs. “Eventually, we’ll go back to functioning normally, right? We have to. People in love do stuff other than having sex all the time.”

I chuckle. “They do, but that doesn’t mean we have to. The way I feel right now, I think we should both just retire and stay in bed for the rest of our lives.”

A soft sigh escapes her as I slide my finger into her pussy. “Yeah, I can get behind that idea.”

She lets out a soft moan, her hips already moving into my hand as she lets her head drop back. “God, that feels good. Why does it always feel so good?”
