Page 51 of Give Me a Reason

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“Because I live to serve,” I tease, but she’s not wrong. It does feel good when we’re together. Better than it ever has.

As I watch, she closes her hands over her breasts, and I groan. “You’re fucking killing me, baby. Dead. You’re killing me dead. Do you have any idea how sexy you are?”

She shrugs, but her eyes are dark when they meet mine again. “Probably about half as sexy as you. Speaking of which, I need you. Not your fingers. You.”

“What is it people say about your wish being my command?” I try to joke, but my breathing is labored, and I’m pretty sure I need her more than she needs me. I’m also pretty sure I always do and always will.

Grabbing a condom from the nightstand, I wait for her to lift herself only to sink back onto me once I’ve got it on. I’ve never been one to get poetic about sex, but seeing her eyes flutter closed as she rides me, I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I also don’t know what I did right in my life to deserve her, but she’s amazing, and I’m never going to stop trying to be the guy who really does deserve her.

“So how are we going to tell everyone?” she asks a few minutes after we’ve both caught our breath. “It’s safe to say that Maxim and Emma know by now, but the others? The parents?”

“The only way to tell them is just to tell them,” I say. “We need to do it soon, though. Before they figure it out themselves. There will be hell to pay if your dad realizes what’s going on without us telling them.”

“Should we just do it at dinner tonight? We’re having that seafood feast on the beach, so everyone will be there.”

“Fuck. I forgot about that.” I reach for my new phone on the nightstand, ignoring the hundreds of notifications waiting on it in favor of opening my calendar. “Yeah, there it is. It’s tonight. Shit. It was going to be such a damn good photo op before I signed off from the band for their short hiatus.”

“It’s not going to be that anymore?”

“Nope, because I’ll be dead. Your dad will have killed me, and everyone knows I take the best photos of us all. If Maxim does it, the last post the fans will ever see from the band will be a blurry picture of their faces with a fire behind them.”

She giggles. “Why would that be the last post? I’m sure someone will take over their social media. Besides, no one’s dying today.”

“Let’s agree to disagree,” I say mournfully, lying back and running a hand through my hair. “I know we need to do this, but fuck. It’s really not going to be fun.”

“It’ll be fine.”

A sudden loud knock makes us both jerk upright. “Vincent! I need to talk to you.”

Olivia pales. “Shit, that’s my dad.”

“I know,” I hiss, scrambling out of bed and grabbing a pair of sweats from the floor. As I hastily pull them on, I swipe at her dress lying on the ground and toss it back at her. “Get dressed, or this is going to go down really badly.”

“I’m coming,” I call. “Just a minute.”

“One minute,” her dad grumbles. “I’ve got a key, so you’ve got one fucking minute before I come in there.”

Olivia practically launches herself out of bed, reaching for her panties and pulling them on even as she speeds across the room to the bathroom. “You better let him in. I’ll be in there. Just try not to let him in.”

I nod, casting a gaze back at the room as I stride to the door. It looks like a bomb has hit it. There are clothes everywhere, not all of which are my own. The bed is a crumpled mess, and there’s half a bottle of champagne, along with two glasses and a half-eaten plate of chocolate-covered strawberries, on the table. We were busy this morning when housekeeping came by, so we sent them away, and we haven’t gotten around to cleaning up just yet.

Groaning as I shut my eyes, jam a shirt over my head, and reach for the doorjamb, bracing myself for the worst. I swing it open to find a pale-faced Mike standing at the threshold.

“Jesus. What happened to you?”

He raises his arm and thrusts his phone at my face. “Have you posted anything about Maxim and Jaylinn recently?”

I frown, pulling my head back and taking the phone so I can read what’s on the screen. Then the blood drains out of not even just my cheeks but my entire fucking body. “This is a picture of them just before we boarded the plane to come here. How the hell did he get this?”

“That’s a good question, but we don’t have the answer. We also don’t know why there are big crosses drawn over their faces.” He grabs the phone and scrolls to the next picture that has been emailed to me. “Olivia’s too. What did you do, Vincent?”

“Nothing.” I rear back, blinking in surprise when he suddenly grabs my collar and hauls me up against the door. “I swear. I haven’t done a fucking thing. I haven’t posted anything personal. I’ve stayed in the resort.”

“No one has seen you for more than a few minutes at a time for two fucking days,” he roars. “Obviously, you’ve pissed this guy off. How? And why is he suddenly putting your brother and sister in the crosshairs when he hasn’t said a single fucking word about them before?”

I’m about to reply when Olivia speaks behind me. “Let him go. He hasn’t done anything. I don’t know what’s going on, but I do know Vincent doesn’t have anything to do with it. He hasn’t been seen for more than a few minutes at a time because he’s been with me.”

Mike stumbles back a step, releasing my shirt and looking at us as though he’s never seen either of us before. “Livvy? What the fuck are you doing in here?”
