Page 58 of Give Me a Reason

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He shrugs. “Best guess? He identifies with you. Maybe even thought that you might help him. Plus, it looks like he’s led a pretty lonely life. He could’ve just wanted a friend. Even figured he was entitled to you as one. If things had been different, he would’ve grown up with you guys, you know? It’s a scary thought, but it’s true. With you two being so close in age, it makes sense that you guys might’ve been close if things hadn’t turned out the way they did.”

“Shit,” I murmur. “I fed into that fantasy when I was friendly with him, didn’t I?”

Max fixes me with a look that spits fire from his piercing blue eyes. “No. Don’t ever think like that, Vince. You’re a good guy, a friendly one. You can’t let this change who you are, but you also can’t blame yourself. It’s not your fault; it’s his. His dad’s. His mom’s. The only logical conclusion is that she sent that message after Mike was shot, and she must’ve fed him all his dad’s bullshit growing up. Otherwise, he wouldn’t even have known about us. None of which is on you.”

“Yeah. Maybe.”

“No, not fucking maybe. You know I don’t get off on telling you kids what to do, but all I want to hear right now is ‘Yes, Max.’”

“Yes, Max,” I repeat dutifully after him, leaning back and smiling when James’s head pops out from behind the bar, and he waves a bottle of vodka at us. He places it on the tray he’s got ready with two glasses and some other stuff on it, adds another glass without even asking, and then picks it up to carry it over.

I realize then that now isn’t the time to be holding a grudge against him. James and Olivia have always been close, and I know he doesn’t have feelings for her. He’s just always been there for her, and since I haven’t, I should be grateful to him for being a friend when she needed one.

Jesus. I really am growing up. By leaps and fucking bounds, but it feels good. I even grin back at him as he approaches us and make space for him on my lounger. “Thanks, bro. Want to get fucked up with me and your dad? We’re having triples.”

Max groans and rolls his eyes. “We are not. One double, then singles. We’ll need to keep our wits about us, boys. This asshole can strike at any time, and if he does, we have to be prepared, not slaughtered.”

“Two doubles, then singles,” James negotiates, laughing when his dad gives in and motions for him to start mixing.

As he does, I relax back and just try to enjoy being in the moment again for once. Everyone knows about me and Olivia now, and somehow, I managed to escape with my balls and my life intact. She and I are finally in a really good place, and I’m going to be tying her up later.

Life is fucking great, and Justin isn’t going to ruin any of it for me. Not one more fucking minute of it.



“Spill, girlfriend,” Isabella demands as soon as I sit down. “I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me like that. I mean, you and Vincent? I knew there was something else going on with you. Why didn’t you tell me?”

I’m not sure which emotion is more dominant in her eyes right now between hurt, excitement, curiosity, and disappointment. Deciding to address the bad ones first, I shoot her an apologetic smile as I settle in beside her.

“I didn’t mean to hold out on you. I just didn’t really know what was going on myself. At first, it seemed so crazy to be thinking that I was actually developing feelings forhimof all people that I didn’t want to even admit it to myself. Then we started kissing and stuff, and it was so good, but I really thought he was just doing it because he was bored. Which I also didn’t really want to talk about because… Feelings, you know? It wasn’t just boredom for me, but he’s Vincent. I didn’t think he even knew what feelings were.”

“Whoa, back up there a bit,” she says with the excitement definitely taking the lead in those big eyes of hers now. “You said kissing andstuff. What stuff? Have you…? You know…” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “Slept with him?”

“Not at first,” I say quickly, feeling the heat exploding on my cheeks as I finally nod. “Eventually, though, yes. I did. I am. A lot.”

“How is it?” she asks, practically bouncing now. “Is he as good as he says he is?”

“You’re really not pulling any punches. Don’t you at least want to pretend to care about how we got here or that we said I love you before we actually did it?”

“Nope.” She tosses her hair over her shoulder and makes her eyebrows dance at me. “Curious minds want to know, Livvy. You’ve held out on me long enough, don’t you think? I figured you wouldn’t have given it up without an I-love-you in the mix, and I’ve seen you two together these last few days, so I already know he’s nuts about you. But what I don’t know is whether he lives up to the way he talks. Does he?”

“He does.” An embarrassed giggle slips out of me, and I hide my face in my hands, but I know I’m not going to get away from this. “That’s all I’m saying about it, though, okay? You’re not getting any more details than that. Except that he has a piercing. Did you know about that?”

She shrugs. “I know about everything, don’t I?” At my questioning glance, she smirks. “Don’t worry. Your boy didn’t tell me and not you. I overheard him and Maxim talking about how sore they were the day after they got them. The big babies. You’re really not going to give me any more details?”

When I shake my head, she lets out a dramatic sigh, pouting as she gives me a reluctant nod. “Fine. He’s good to you, though? Sweet? He didn’t pressure you or anything, right? Because if he did—”

“If anything, I pressured him,” I say before she can get any ideas in her head. “Trust me, he’s been incredibly sweet and patient. Surprisingly so.”

Laughter from the other side of the pool draws our attention, and I smile when I look over to see Vincent and James wrestling at the edge of the water, clearly both trying to throw the other in without going in himself. It’s good to see them laughing together again. I know Vincent has been a bit jealous of my relationship with James, and while it secretly thrills me a little that he’s jealous about me, I really don’t want it to affect their friendship.

Isabella chuckles and pokes me in the ribs. “Can I get you a napkin to wipe off that drool?”

I laugh. “I’m not drooling, but if I was, would you blame me? Look at him. He’s crazy sexy.”

She narrows her eyes but then sighs. “He’s Vincent, which means I can’t look at him that way, but objectively… He has gotten pretty hot.”
