Page 59 of Give Me a Reason

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“Pretty hot?” I scoff, my gaze raking over him in his bright-blue swim shorts and shirtless torso. Over the last few days, his tan has gotten more golden, and the blond in his hair has lightened from being out in the sun.

His muscles are bulging and flexing as he wrestles with James, who’s no lightweight himself, and I can’t help but remember what it feels like to have that delicious body moving above mine. Warmth pools between my legs, and I discreetly squeeze them together.

Although his sea-blue eyes are covered by black sunglasses, it’s as though I can feel them on me even if I can’t see them. I can picture them perfectly as they become all stormy when he gets turned on or how soft they get when he tells me he loves me.

“Dear Lord, you’ve got it bad,” Isabella remarks from my side, laughing when I reach out to swat at her. “What? If you could’ve seen the look on your face just then, you’d have said the same thing. It honestly looked like you wanted to launch yourself at him. I’m just not sure if you’d have fucked him or smothered him in love when you got to him. It kind of looked like you wanted to do both.”

I laugh. “That’s actually pretty accurate because I really wanted to do both.” Glancing at her, I smile when an idea pops into my head. “Hey, do you think you could distract him for me a little bit if he comes looking?”

“Okay,” she says slowly, eyeing me before she grins. “You saucy minx you. Who are you and what have you done with sweet, innocent Livvy?”

“Nothing,” I protest, but then I add, “We’ve just kind of got… plans for later, and I want to go set something up in my room for it. Surprise him, you know? I feel like I need to do something to up my game. He’s so much more experienced than I am, and I just… I don’t know. I want to be the one to surprise him from time to time.”

“Go for it,” she encourages me without hesitating. “You deserve to be happy, Liv. I don’t think he needs fancy surprises or anything other than you, but I won’t stand in your way. Just remember that it doesn’t matter how much experience he’s got. All that matters from now on is the experiences he’s having with you.”

I drag in a deep breath. “That’s what I’ve been trying to keep focused on, but that’s also why I want to do this. I want to create new memories for him. Hopefully better ones.”

“I’ll tell him you had to go do something but you’ll be right back,” she says. “I’ve got your back, but I’m going to want details soon, okay?”

“A few details,” I promise. “I can’t give you more than that. It’s too personal.”

“A few will do.” She pretends to inspect her nails. “Now why don’t you go get us some nail polish and we’ll have a pamper party out here by the pool? No man will want to walk into preparation for that, regardless of how smitten he is.”

“You’re the best.” Getting up from my lounger, I take the back way around to my bungalow so I don’t draw any unnecessary attention by walking right by him. With any luck, I’ll be back before he even notices I’m gone.

As I head back, I mentally take stock of everything I’ve got available in my room. Since I can’t leave the resort to go to a store, I’ll need to make do with what’s available. I could have supplies delivered, I guess, but that’ll take too long, and Dad’s guys, my coworkers, are sure to inspect any package that arrives. If they open a box with a dozen silk ties in it or something like that, the stuff I order won’t have to be overtly sexy for them to know what I’m planning on doing with it.

It’s embarrassing enough that my dad saw the state of Vincent’s room the other day and must now know that I’m sexually active. He hasn’t given methe talkyet, but he’s had a lot of other stuff on his mind since he found out. I’m sure it’s coming at some point. The last thing I need is to give him more ammunition or, God forbid, have my daddy find out that Vincent tied me up.

Talk about mortifying.

So no. I’m going to have to make do with what we’ve got. I think it’ll be enough anyway. Vincent will probably have a few ideas of his own as well, so all I really need to do now is set up the basics for him to get a sexy surprise when we get back to his room later.

A smile forms on my lips when I think about what his reaction is going to be. I still can’t believe that he and I are actually together, that we’re sleeping together, or that I had the courage to tell him I want to try being tied up. A rush of exhilaration passes through me as the thoughts tumble through my head.

We’ve come a long way from just a few short months ago when my dad gave me the assignment, but I also feel like I’ve made massive strides by myself—and not only because I’ve lost my virginity. That’s part of it too, obviously. It’s always been a big deal for me, but it’s more than that.

I feel like I’ve grown up a lot and accepted that I don’t have to be all about the work all the time in order to get respect, and strangely, my coworkers have started treating me differently as a result. It’s almost as though they saw a certain lack of maturity in my actions before, and they’re recognizing that I’m growing and changing.

It feels darn good to finally have them looking at me like I belong among them. Frankly, it also feels darn good to feel like I do, in fact, belong among them. A lot of the progress we made on the stalker investigation was because of things I found or put together, and the fact that I was the one who realized Vincent had been in contact with another person and broke the case wide open hasn’t gone unnoticed.

Smiling to myself as I open his door, the corners of my lips freeze in position when I realize it’s not locked, so wrapped up in my thoughts that I wasn’t even thinking about it before. The door shouldn’t have opened without me having to use the key in my pocket to unlock it.

The resort is crazy safe, but Vincent and I have been making sure to lock up behind us anyway. Which is why we got keys to each other’s bungalows so we can still come and go as we please.

Since I’ve already opened his—without needing to use my key—something suddenly feels off. My immediate thought is to look around for the housekeeping cart, but I didn’t see it when I was walking up, and now that I swivel my head even on my way in, I realize I didn’t see it because it’s not there.

“Hello?” I call, trying to remember if I saw Maxim at the pool just before I left. Typically, he has a key to Vincent’s room, but he hasn’t used his since we’ve been here because, well, I think he’s very well aware of the fact that he might walk in on something he doesn’t want to see. “Maxim? Are you in here?”

“He’s not,” an unfamiliar voice answers, and an icy shiver runs down my spine. “I’m here, though. It’s so nice to finally meet you in person, Olivia. I’ve been looking forward to this for a long, long time. Have a seat, darling. You and I have a lot to talk about.”

The door bangs shut behind me, and I jump, spinning around to come face to face with a boy I’ve never seen before. He’s about Vincent’s height with pale-blond hair and brown eyes that are like a bottomless pit of mud.

Instinctively, I size him up immediately. Being Vincent’s height makes him a lot taller than me, and he looks like he spends at least two hours a day doing weight training at the gym. He’s a lot broader than my boyfriend, his muscles bulging in a way that makes me wonder if they’re all natural or if he’s been using something to enhance them.

There’s a malicious glint in his eyes as he looks back at me, assessing me the same as I’m doing to him. As my gaze meets his, he smirks. “You know, I thought he’d have better taste, but I guess you’ll do until we’re tired of you.”

I blink, instantly realizing two things. One, this boy—or man, more accurately—is certifiably insane if he thinks he’s going to be doing anything with Vincent that will make him tire of me, and two, this is Justin.
