Page 61 of Give Me a Reason

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He laughs, but then John launches himself at him, and when he hears the water, he whips around just in time to fend off the next attack. It’s going to become a full-on water fight now, but since I’ve reached Isabella, I decide to set my mind at ease before I go join in.

“Where is she?” I ask, nodding at the empty lounger.

Isabella looks up at me from behind her sunglasses and gives me a shit-eating grin. “She doesn’t need your permission to move, does she? Or are you one of those guys?”

I roll my eyes at her. “Just tell me where she went.” I add, “Please?”

“Oh, okay, Mr. Overprotective. She just went to get some nail polish from her bungalow.” Isabella holds out her perfectly manicured fingers. “Just look at that. My hands are a mess, and we’re going to have a pamper party to fix it.”

“Where did she really go, Isabella?” I ask as the panic threatens to creep back in. “I know she doesn’t need my permission to move, nor do I expect her to ask for it, but just tell me the truth. Please. I know I don’t have any reason to freak out, but I love her, and just about everyone else is here. The last thing any of us should be doing is wandering the grounds alone.”

“I already told you,” she says. “She’s fine. She’s not wandering the grounds, and even if she was, she’d be completely safe. We’re safe, remember? She’s just gone to get some nail polish.”

“No, she didn’t.” I give a pointed look at the small table between their lounge chairs. “The tag on that key says it’s the one to her room, and since I have the other key over there by the rest of my stuff, I know she didn’t go back there.”

Isabella lets out a sigh. “Fine, she didn’t go back to her room. She went to yours, but she’ll be right back, and you can’t go there right now.”

“Why not?” I frown. “What is she doing?”

“You’ll see,” she responds coyly, laughing as she peers past me at whatever is happening in the pool. “Just relax,” she says without looking back at me. “Go swim. You’ll see what she was up to later.”

My lips press into a line, but I know she’s right. There’s nothing really to be worried about. “I guess I’m just not used to having her out of my sight anymore, but especially not now.”

Isabella waves a hand. “Get used to it, pretty boy. She’s an independent woman, and she has every right to move about freely.”

“I know that,” I say, my eyes rolling again. “That’s not what this is about, and you know it. Maybe I should just—”

She suddenly brings her gaze back to mine, even lifting the sunglasses so I can see the look she’s giving me. “Don’t even think about it, Vincent Moore. It’s a surprise, and if it’s about what I think it’s about, you’re really going to like it, so just give her a few damn minutes.”

I sigh, but as I think back to what we talked about earlier, my heart skips for a whole different reason. My cock remembers the conversation too, and as I realize that everyone else is pretty busy right now, I grin. They won’t notice at first that I’m gone too, and once they do, I’ll already be back in my room.

Tied upwith Olivia. Or, more accurately, tying her up. Either way, it’ll be a hell of a lot more fun than watching the dads trying to throw their spouses and children into the pool or being part of the ensuing water fight.

“Cover for me?” I ask even as I turn to jump off the deck to the nearest garden path.

Isabella groans. “Fine, I will, but you do realize everyone knows you’re doing it now, right? You don’t really need someone to cover for you anymore.”

“Yeah, I know, but I’d rather not have anyone coming to look for us as soon as they notice we’re gone.”

“I’ll do my best, but that’s only if you promise to make it a quickie. I got less than an hour with her before she left to set up this surprise for you. Now you’re going to distract her before she can come back, and I still want to spend time with her.”

“Yeah…” I smirk, shaking my head. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, and I definitely can’t keep that one.”

She pouts. “All day tomorrow, then. She’s mine all day. You can’t distract her with your stupid penis.”

“Day after tomorrow,” I counter. “And it’s not a stupid penis. Olivia sure as fuck seems to like it enough.”

With that, I start toward the edge of the deck, but she calls out after me. “Just make her come, would ya? She deserves it. That’s my final condition.”

Doubling back, I shake my head at her. “Really? Did you have to say that so loudly that everyone now knows where I’m going? I thought you said you’d cover for us.”

“Again, everyone already knows, and I am going to cover for you but only if you promise you’ll show her a good time. She went ahead to set something up for you, and whether or not she’s willing to admit it, she’s nervous about her lack of experience to your heaps of it. So at least show your appreciation properly.”

“I was planning on it.”

“Well, speaking of your plans, what are you planning on doing that’s going to take so long that I can only spend time with her the day after tomorrow?”

“I’d tell you, but the whole point is to have time, and I’m wasting it right now.”
