Page 62 of Give Me a Reason

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A brilliant smile appears on her lips as she waves me away. “Go ahead, then, lover boy. The fuck of your life is waiting for you.”

“She’s the love of my life,” I correct her on a grumble, narrowing my eyes.

She laughs. “Good job. You passed the final test. Now go. She’s waiting.”

As I do, it occurs to me that she may not know yet.Shit, this is taking way too long, but I won’t be able to relax until I know they know to stay safe.

“Hey, Izzy?”

She frowns as she looks back at me. “What now? I thought you’d be halfway to the bungalow already.”

“Yeah, I want to be, but Max told me there’s been a break in the case. Justin’s here.” When her eyes widen, I sigh. “In Spain, I mean. He sent another picture. I’m sure Mike will send out a blast to everyone about it anyway, but for now, just spread the word, okay? Just… make sure they know to stay vigilant.”

She nods but then glances toward the row of bungalows leading away from the pool. “I’ll do that, but now I know why you were being such an ass earlier about her leaving. When you get there, before you start with your two-day play date, just let me know she’s okay.”

“I will,” I promise, and strangely, I intend on keeping it. It bugs the hell out of me that we all have to keep tabs on each other, but for now, it’s what we need to do to stay sane and give each other as much space as we can without being worried all the time.

But that also means I have to grab my phone and shit from the other side of the pool before I can go, so I give Isabella a final wave, then book it back to the lounger where I left it all. Once I’ve got everything, I drop off the deck and finally, fuckingfinally, make my way back to my room.

It’s not that far, but even at my clipped pace, it seems to take forever. Anticipation courses through me as I try to imagine what she’s got waiting for me. I’m assuming there is going to be a belt involved, and who knows what else she’s come up with?

By the time I hit the short staircase leading up to the door, I’m already raring to go. My dick has turned the crotch of my swim shorts into a tent, and I really can’t wait for what’s about to happen. As I open the door, I grin and call out to her.

“Ready or not, here I come! Well, I mean not yet, but—” The grin and my words die on my lips when I realize what I walked into isn’t what I thought it would be at all. For starters, Olivia isn’t alone, and the person she’s with isn’t one I expected—or wanted—to see ever again, especially not here.

Especially not right now.

“Justin?” My jaw nearly hits the fucking ground as I take in the scene in front of me. My girl is sitting on one of the armchairs with a soda in her hand. Justin was sitting across from her, but he moved like a flash of lightning as soon as the door opened, and he’s now standing next to her with a motherfucking gun aimed at her.

“Vincent!” He gives me a lopsided, manic grin as he beckons me in with the metal killing machine. “It’s so nice of you to join us. How are you, brother? Come on in and take a seat. Olivia and I have just been getting to know each other. At first, I thought we could’ve done better, but I’ve got to say she’s a real firecracker. Good choice, man.”

For a long minute, I’m frozen in place, but then Olivia widens her eyes at me, and I snap out of it. She’s been here, alone with him, for I don’t even know how long by now. Too long is all I really know, and if she can sit there having a fucking drink with him, then I suppose the least I can do is fucking move.



NO! I want to scream as soon as the door starts opening, but when it opens all the way and Vincent comes through it, my entire being crashes to my feet.No! Not now! Leave! Run! Go!

Of course, I don’t let any of those things come out. I can’t. Not if I want to stand a chance of getting myself, and now the man I love, out of here alive. Shit, I should’ve known Isabella wouldn’t be able to keep him away from here long, but I’ve just been hoping he was so preoccupied that he hadn’t even noticed I’d left yet.

“Ready or not, here I come! Well, I mean not yet, but—”

For a split second, I think this may be my one shot to disarm Justin, but he’s fast. Before I’ve managed to move a muscle, he bolts out of his chair and sticks the fucking gun in my face. Vincent pales when he walks in and sees what’s happening, his body slamming to a halt as his jaw slackens.


The crazy guy with the gun grins. “Vincent! It’s so nice of you to join us. How are you, brother? Come on in and take a seat. Olivia and I have just been getting to know each other. At first, I thought we could’ve done better, but I’ve got to say she’s a real firecracker. Good choice, man.”

Vincent seems to be in shock, but as his gaze meets mine, he slowly starts walking forward. He still looks stunned, but the longer his eyes are on mine, the more aware he seems to become. By the time he sits in the armchair beside mine, there’s a calculating gleam in them even if I do also see the concern when he glances at me again.

When I give him a slight nod to let him know I’m okay, he breathes out in relief before turning back to Justin. The grin he gives him is surprisingly easy, and that makesmebreathe out in relief as well because it means he’s cottoned on to what I’m doing here.

“Justin,” he repeats, much warmer this time. “What’s up, man? Long time no see. This is a surprise. What happened to you in Zurich? I thought you were going to come back to the hotel with me. Then you were gone.”

Justin shrugs, his eyes seeming wilder now that Vincent is here. “I wasn’t expecting the cavalry to come, and how I got in here isn’t the important part. How I’m going to get you out, that’s the important part.”

My bones turn glacial. “Get him out?”
