Page 69 of Give Me a Reason

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I frown. “You’re not freaking out about the towel thing?”

He shrugs. “It’s already happened. Besides, nothing is going on between you two. He’s like a brother to both of us. Unless there’s something I need to know?”

“There’s nothing you need to know.” I assure him. “He is like a brother to me, but I’m glad you’re relaxing about it.”

He exhales slowly. “I’m going to try to relax about a lot of things from now on. We don’t need to talk about it now, though.”

As I put on my pajamas, he shuts off the faucet and steps out of the shower. My gaze runs over his body as he reaches for a towel, and I’m relieved as hell when I feel a frisson of need run through me. While I haven’t really had time to think about it, I’m glad our experience doesn’t seem to have damaged my libido.

It’s not like I’m going to try anything with him right this minute, but it’s nice to know my body isn’t broken because of what happened to us.

He catches me looking at him, then slows his movements with the towel as he raises his eyebrows. “Really? Right now? With James and Isabella out there? I mean, I’m always willing, but I didn’t think you would be tonight.”

“I’m not,” I say quickly. “Wait. It’s not that I’m willing or not willing. I just wasn’t looking at you to try to start something. I just… I’m happy that I even thought about it.”

“So am I,” he replies before he carries on drying himself. “What happened today is going to change us. It has to. Hell, it’s already changed me, and I know it, but this part?” He points his finger at himself and then at me. “The part where I want you and always will? That part hasn’t changed. But with that said, there’s absolutely no pressure to do anything. Not today and not on any other day.”

I take a deep breath. “Well, Isabella and James are probably in our bed by now, so doing anything today is a moot point. I just don’t want Justin to take this from us, you know? I feel like he’s taken enough.”

“He won’t take this from us,” Vincent says as he knots the towel around his waist and comes to me, taking both of my hands in his and holding them tight. “I promise you he won’t take anything else from us. I’d have mounted you right now just to prove my point, but our friends are outside and they’re worried. Going at it in here will probably just convince them that we’re both trying to avoid the issue at hand, but if you want to, then fuck ‘em.”

I smile. “It wouldn’t be them we’d be fucking. It’d be each other.”

He waggles his brows at me. “Baby, I don’t fuck you. I make love to you, but that’s not really the point.”

“No, it’s not.” I agree, squeezing his hands back before I let go of them. “I still needed to hear that, though. Let’s see how we feel tomorrow morning, okay?”

“Okay,” he says, leaning in to smack a playful kiss to my lips. “Now go out there before I change my mind. I’m going to have to stay in the towel until Emma brings some of Maxim’s clothes by. Is that okay with you? If I go out there in front of Isabella in my towel?”

“It’s very sweet of you to ask, but it’s fine. First, you don’t have a choice unless you want to put on your dirty clothes or stay in here indefinitely, which doesn’t sound like much fun at all, and second, I doubt she’ll even notice. They just want us to be okay.”

He takes my hand again. “Then let’s go let them know we’ll be fine. Battered, bruised, slightly bald, and slightly traumatized but fine.”

Sliding my arm around his hips instead of just holding his hand, I lead him to the door and out into the room. As I expected. James and Isabella are in our bed, browsing through our viewing options on the TV. When they see us, they scoot up to make space, and neither of us hesitates to climb into bed with them.

Emma brings by the clothes not too much later, and when she sees what’s happening, she calls Maxim, tells him to bring pajamas for James as well, and climbs into bed with the rest of us. Maxim arrives not two minutes later, and once James and Vincent are both in pairs of his pajama pants and Isabella is in one of my sets, we choose a new movie, order even more room service, and get settled.

None of us move until the next morning. It’s a squashed, uncomfortable way to sleep, but no one complains. Certainly not me. It’s not the quiet night alone with Vincent that I had in mind, but somehow, this is even better. They’re our family, our closest friends, and it means everything that they’re with us so unconditionally. No one asks questions or expects us to talk about it, and while I know we’re going to have to talk about it eventually, we don’t have to do it right now.

As I drift off to sleep in Vincent’s arms, I smile at the pile of bodies in the bed and close my eyes, knowing that I’m safe and, no matter what happens, I’m always going to have the support of these people. And that? That’s better than anything I ever could’ve asked for.



Isink into Olivia’s tight, wet heat, groaning between kisses as I try to hold myself back from losing it when I’ve only just gotten inside of her. Resting my forehead against hers, I take a shaky breath, holding my weight up on my elbows as I look into her eyes.

“God, that feels good,” I murmur. “Too good. I’m not going to lie. I’m dangerously fucking close.”

She hums a noise of agreement at the back of her throat, dragging her nails over my scalp and making me moan as my eyes close. “Come for me, then. If you’re that close, come. I want you to.”

“Fuck,” I mutter. “That’s not helping my cause. What about you?”

“You’ll find a way to make it up to me,” she teases, rolling her hips as her inner muscles contract around me. “Besides, I’m not very far behind you.”

Keeping my weight balanced on my forearms, I pull out of her slowly and thrust back in, already feeling those familiar tingles at the base of my spine. “This is crazy. It’s only been, what, an hour?”

“Probably less.” She giggles, lifting her head to kiss my mouth. “Our break is over, though. You have a meeting in thirty and we’ll be back on the plane soon, so I say we should make the best of our last few minutes in paradise.”
