Page 70 of Give Me a Reason

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“Oh, I’m in paradise all right, but it’s got nothing to do with Spain,” I grit out, struggling to keep my rhythm even. “Fuck. I really can’t get enough of you. How am I supposed to keep my hands off you all the way to fucking Asia?”

“I don’t know.” She moans, seeming to have a hard time keeping her eyes open and on mine. “It won’t be that bad, though. It can’t be. Everyone else manages to go out in public and do stuff even though they’re hopelessly in love. We can do the same.”

“Fucking doubt it,” I mutter, my hips speeding up when I can’t keep them from doing it anymore.

Olivia’s eyes slam shut, and she starts trembling underneath me, her body bowing as she chases her own release. Both of us stop talking when the sensation just becomes too much, and our bodies take over.

A few hours later, Isabella flings her arm across Olivia’s shoulders as we board the plane. “Asia, baby! I’ve been looking forward to this leg of the tour so damn much. America and Europe were great, but Asia? There’s just nothing like it. The street food, the culture, the temples, the people… We’re going to have so much fun.”

“We are.” Olivia agrees. “When we’re not working anyway.”

“Work schwork. This is freaking Asia we’re talking about. The stalker is finally off our fucking backs, and I, for one, intend to make the best of your newfound freedom.”

I chuckle, following close behind them. “It’s going to be a blast. I can’t wait to go exploring. It’s been too damn long since we could just let loose and wander around the streets.”

“Amen to that.” Olivia agrees, smiling at me over her shoulder before she climbs up the stairs to the jet with Izzy by her side.

The two girls keep talking, with Isabella rattling off lists of stuff she wants to see and do at all the destinations we’ll be visiting. Leaving them to it, I take a seat next to my brother once we’re onboard.

“Have you given it any more thought?” he asks, referring to the conversation we were having earlier. “No pressure, but you need to decide. Emma and I are already looking at logos for the company, and I just hired someone to design a website.”

“You’re really doing it, then?” I turn to him, taking in his serious expression and the determination flashing in his eyes. “You’re starting your own management company?”

He nods, letting out a long breath and running one hand through his hair before he laughs. “It’s not so crazy, is it? I’ve spoken to Dad and the guys about it, and they think it’s a great idea, but you don’t seem so sure.”

Mentally making a grab for my balls, I hold them tight and give him the answer I should’ve given him the first time we spoke about this. “I’m all in. I’ve got the followers and the talent, and if you really think it’ll work, then I’m in.”

He grins slowly. “You’re in?”

“I’m in.” I stick my hand out and shake his. “It’s not so crazy at all. I just needed some time to wrap my head around it. I never thought either of us would be working for any other band, but you’re right. Dad and the guys are going to be taking some time off after the tour, and you were also right about them not even thinking about doing another one anytime soon, which I suppose means we need to get it together for ourselves.”

“Something that’s ours.” He agrees, glancing at our dad and the rest of the band who have taken seats at the back of the cabin. “We’ll always represent them, but it’s about time we got out from under their wings.”

Bittersweet nostalgia rolls through me, but I shake it off. As he said, we’ll always represent them. We’re just going to be representing others too. Frankly, the first time he mentioned this to me, I was too surprised and too full of shit to recognize it for the opportunity it is, but it really is a good one.

Now that I’ve pulled my head out of my ass and realized I’m changing and growing up in ways I never knew I still had to grow up, I’m seeing that I’d be stupid to let this pass me by. It’s about time I start thinking about my future apart from Full Moon and start making plans for my own life and what I want to do with it.

Since I love my job, starting a company with my brother that allows me to keep doing it feels like the right fit. Maxim and I have the money and connections, but those will only get us so far. We’ll need to build a reputable brand if we want this to work, and I’ve got a few ideas that I use our time on the flight to run by him.

Emma’s writing in the farthest corner away from everyone, but she glances over at us every once in a while and smiles. When she takes a break, she comes over to join us, putting her hand on Maxim’s shoulder and peering at the notebook where he’s jotting down our thoughts.

“Have you said yes yet?” she asks me, then rolls her eyes and grins. “Of course you have. I’m glad. I think you guys are going to kick ass at this, and I can’t wait to see you do it. What did Olivia say about it?”

I shrug. “I haven’t told her yet.”

Emma’s eyes go round, and her voice comes out in a warning growl. “Vincent…”

“I know,” I say immediately. “I should’ve spoken to her about it before I made the decision or, at the very least, told her right after I made it.”

“If you know you should have, why didn’t you?” she asks, giving me a very disapproving, big-sister-type stare. “This is a huge life decision for you, and it’s definitely one she would appreciate being consulted about.”

Meeting her disapproving stare without flinching, I state my case. “Olivia just has everything figured out, you know? She’s known what she wants to do with her life since she was a kid, and she’s gunning for it with everything she’s got. I plan on talking to her as soon as we get to our hotel in Bangkok, but I wanted to speak to Maxim about it first. When I do tell Olivia, I want to be armed with the information she’ll ask about.”

Emma rocks her head from side to side. “Sure, okay, I can see why you’d want to get your ducks in a row, but she might still be hurt that you made a decision like this without her.”

“She knows Maxim and I have talked about it in the past, and she supported the idea, so it’s not like it’ll be coming out of nowhere. Plus, I don’t want to her think I’m acting on a whim, and if I can’t answer any of the questions she’s going to have, that’s exactly what she’s going to think.”

Maxim glances up from his notes with an amused smile lifting the corners of his lips. “You want to be able to lay out a plan for her?”
