Page 83 of Give Me a Reason

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I shrug, swaying slightly, but I go with it since I think I’m moving to the beat of the music, which is cool. I got moves even when I’m wasted. “No, I haven’t spoken to her. What do you want me to say? Hey, baby. I know we just got together a few months ago and moved in together last week, but would you mind pissing on this stick for me because I think I might’ve knocked you up?”

I snort. “Yeah… No, I’m not doing that.”

“How about just sobering up and having a conversation with the woman you love?” he growls, clearly pissed off with me.

Although, I don’t know why. Today is a great day. We had a beer tasting for breakfast, we’ve gone paintballing, and now we’re in one of those cool bars where you get to fuck shit up. Like on purpose. We’re throwing knives and axes and breaking down some walls. Literally.

“How about you go back to your party and stop lecturing me?” I counter. “I’ll talk to her when I’m ready to talk to her. Which I’m not, by the way. Olivia has had her whole life planned out for, like, ever. If she is pregnant, I’m the one who fucked that up for her. Me. As always, I’m responsible for fucking everything up. Do you know she was a virgin before I slept with her?”

I snap my fingers, eyes rolling. “Oh yeah, of course you know. Everyone does. Because she’s perfect little Olivia. The picture of innocence and responsibility until I came along.”

Maxim rocks back on his heels, letting out a low whistle as he shakes his head. “So that’s where you’re at, huh? Look, I know you’re hammered, but let me tell you something. It takes two to tango. If she is pregnant—and that’s a big if—she consented to having sex with you, yeah?”

“Is that even a question?” I snort. “Obviously, she consented.”

“Well, then it’s not all on you,” he reasons. “She’s a woman, not some little girl you deflowered. More than that, she’s smart. Give her some fucking credit, man. You’re acting like a child.”

“Are we really back there?” I roll my eyes, putting up my hands. “I’m over this, bro. Vincent out.”

He wraps his hand around my wrist when I try to walk away. “Vincent is not out. Vincent is a complete asshole who is, without a doubt, fucking things up with the woman he loves right now. Why are you doing this? You’ve got an incredible girlfriend who fucking adores you and who is going through this too. Whatever this is, she’s the one who’s feeling like shit. She’s the one who’s been sick and tired for weeks. She’s the one who’s potentially carrying this baby and who will have to birth it when the time comes, so why, exactly, are you turning into a toddler who’s allergic to taking responsibility again? I thought you’d turned a corner. I really did and so did Olivia. Are you really willing to lose her because you’re freaking the fuck out over something that might or might not even be happening?”

Suddenly, he lets go of my arm and throws his hands out to his sides. “You know what? Actually, I’m not surprised. I’m disappointed, sure, but I’m not fucking surprised. I should’ve known something like this was going to happen. So I’ll tell you what. You go drink yourself to death, and I will call Olivia. I’ll make sure she’s okay, and I’ll talk to her about it. God knows I don’t know what Mom would’ve done about me if my uncle hadn’t stepped in, so if there is a baby, then at least it will also have an uncle it can rely on because its father is a sack of shit.”

“Dad isn’t a sack of shit,” I protest.

He shrugs. “Sure, but Mom didn’t know that at the time. Dad didn’t even know about my existence, but you don’t have that excuse. Therefore, your child will be able to rely on me because you, as it turns out, might just be a sack of shit.”

“Whoa, I’ve clearly struck a nerve.”

Maxim’s eyebrows jump all the way up, and he scoffs. “Ya think? For fuck’s sake, man, just go drink. If you happen to find your balls at the bottom of a bottle, you know where to find me.”

“You don’t need to do it right now,” I grumble when he starts to turn. “It’s your fucking bachelor party, man. Let’s go fuck some shit up and deal with this tomorrow.”

“No,” he says firmly. “You should’ve dealt with this days ago, but that ship has sailed. Has it occurred to you that Olivia might already have taken a test? She’s not naive, Vince. She’s probably been suspecting the same thing you are for days now. If I know her—and I think I do—she’d have gone to work this week and waited until this morning to take a test so she wouldn’t have to take a day off.”

“I know,” I mumble. “I had to leave early for the sunrise beer tasting, though.”

His entire being seems to deflate. “You chose a sunrise beer tasting over possibly finding out if she’s pregnant?”

“No, I chose a sunrise beer tasting with you over possibly finding out that she’s pregnant. You’re my brother, and you’re getting married. I’m your best man. It’s not like I could miss the coolest part of the day.”

Every bit of affection or respect he’s ever had for me fades from his eyes. “You’re unbelievable, and I don’t mean that in a good way. I’m done with this shit. I’m so fucking done with it. Have you thought about what it’s going to do to Mom and Dad when they find out you’ve been acting this way? Have you even stopped for one fucking second to consider the stuff this is going to bring up for them?”

I haven’t thought about it. Not about any of it actually. I should’ve, but as I said, I’m not proud of myself these last few days. It’s seeing Maxim turn on his heel without another word that finally snaps me out of my alcohol-induced daze.

Maxim. My brother. My best friend. The guy I’ve always looked up to and that has always stood by my side is now turning his back on me. We’ve never really talked about the first few years of his life. Sure, I know the story, obviously, but he and I have never really sat down and had a conversation about how he still feels about everything that happened.

I know he doesn’t remember that much, but still. It’s crystal clear to me now that he still has a lot of feelings about it. Our dad wasn’t there for his birth or his diaper changes. Our dad didn’t hold him in his arms as a baby and swear to love and protect him no matter what. Our dad didn’t see his first steps or hear his first words.

Our dad, who has been there formeevery step of the way, solid and unwavering in his dedication to his family, didn’t evenseeMaxim until he was five years old. When Mom found out she was pregnant with him, she was alone. Heartbroken and devastated. Confused. Penniless. Dad was off traveling the world and living the rockstar life, getting wasted and laid every night without so much as a hint of what was happening back home.

When they found out she was pregnant with me, they had a party. In their big home, together and filled with love and excitement.I mean…

As I watch him walk away, the full extent of how much of an asshole I’ve been finally sinks in. All our lives, not one of us has ever blamed Dad because he didn’t know, and that was on Joe. Not on him. And as soon as he found out, he was all in with Maxim.

Regardless of what happened between him and our mom. Regardless of how badly they had hurt each other. Regardless of all the shit they had to sort out. Regardless of everything, he was there for Maxim absolutely since that day.

And me… I don’t even know if there is a baby yet, and I’ve been drinking for days. There’s no turbulent history between me and Olivia, there’s no other man in the picture, yet…Fucking take a look at yourself, man.
