Page 84 of Give Me a Reason

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When I do just that, I don’t like what I see. At all.Is this the story I want my kid to grow up hearing? If there even is a kid, is this really who I want to be? The guy who bailed and got wasted and went to his brother’s bachelor party just because he was scared?

Uh, that’s a definitenoto all of the above. As one of the kids who grew up hearing our parents’ story, I can unequivocally say that I don’t want to be that guy. We grew up worshipping the ground our father walked on, and we did it because we knew who he is and that he would always,alwayshave our backs.

If there is a kid, that’s who I want to be. For it and for its mother.Oh God. Olivia is never going to forgive me for this. Baby or no baby, I convinced her that she could trust me and depend on me enough that she moved in with me, and this was week one?

“Maxim!” I call just before he turns the corner. “Wait up! I’m coming.”

I have no idea what I’m going to say to Olivia when I see her. I don’t know if or how she’s ever going to forgive me. I do know the timing of this whole thing couldn’t have been much worse.

But I also know that I need to be there for her as of today. Right now. Whatever is going on with her, I should be there. I should be bringing her crackers and water. I should be holding her hair back and making sure there are clean sheets on our bed while she’s been so tired that she’s barely been able to lift her arms.

And I definitely should’ve insisted on taking her to the doctor days ago. Because whatever has been leveling her for two weeks, it’s not just bad fish.

My brother pulls up short, but it’s not because he heard my voice. His head is bent, and he’s holding his phone in his hand. As he turns, determination flashes in his eyes, and he marches back toward me.

“If you really are coming, then come now. Izzy just texted me. She’s bringing Olivia here to talk to you right now.”

“Izzy? What? Why? Why did she text you and not me?”

He grinds his teeth. “I don’t know, but I do know that if two of Emma’s three bridesmaids are leaving the shower for this, then there’s something going on. I also know that we need to find someplace to talk that isn’t filled with drunk guys flinging weapons around.”

Maxim releases a deep breath, shoving a hand into his hair before inhaling and exhaling again. “Okay, this is what we’re going to do. You are going to go to the bar, get a gallon of water, and down it. After that, you’re going to go to the bathroom, splash some water on your face, and then come meet me at the door.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Do you need me to babysit you to make sure you don’t order a gallon of tequila instead? I’m going to go find someplace where you can talk when she gets here. Just meet me at the goddamn door.”

Although I follow his instructions, I don’t really need water anymore. Our conversation and the revelations I’ve had have been sobering enough, but I drink the water and splash some on my face anyway. I even grab some cologne from the backpack I brought along for the day and spray it on so I don’t completely smell like a brewery when she arrives.

When I meet Maxim at the door, Isabella and Olivia are just pulling up in a cab. Izzy climbs out first, but as soon as Olivia follows and our eyes meet, a zap of energy flows through me. Because I know. We haven’t talked about it at all, and I don’t know how I know, but I do.

I know without so much as a shadow of a doubt that she’s pregnant. In that moment, I don’t know much else, but I do know that, and I also know that no matter what it takes, I’m going to be there. Like my dad would’ve been for Maxim if he’d known about him.

I’m going to be there for you, baby. For you and your Mom. I fucking promise you that.



“When did you find out?” Vincent asks quietly, his gaze pleading as we sit on some sound equipment in a back room at the bar they were at.

As soon as we got out of the cab, Maxim brought us here. He and Izzy are right outside at the door in case we need them but giving us some privacy at the same time.

While I was reluctant about this and doubtful that he’d even be sober, as I look into Vincent’s eyes, I realize two things. The first is that Izzy was right to bring me here, and the second is that while he may not be stone-cold sober, he’s definitely not too drunk to be talking about this right now.

“This morning,” I admit, my voice equally quiet. The music from the bar is muted in here, so I know he can hear me just as well as I heard him. “How did you know?”

He lets out a deep, long breath, his lips pressing in the corners before he shrugs. “I’ve suspected for a few days now.”

“And your solution was drinking it away?” I won’t lie. I’m hurt. Very much so. I’m also more disappointed than I’ve ever been in another human being. “Okay, well, now you know. I haven’t been to the doctor yet, but I’ll let you know what he says.”

As I stand up, he reaches for me, but before he can touch me, I yank my arm out of his grasp. “No, Vincent. Obviously, you’re not prepared for this. Neither am I, if I’m being honest, but I’ve suspected for days too. The difference is I was trying to wait for you before I found out. Trying to wait to at least talk to you about it before I did the test. I’ve been waiting for you for days, and you haven’t been anywhere to be seen. We’ve both got responsibilities to get back to today. I won’t keep you from yours any longer.”

“Olivia, wait. I—”

“No, Vincent. I’m done waiting. I’m going to stay with Isabella for the rest of the weekend. I was going to go back to my parents’ for a while, but she offered, and since I need some time to figure things out, I’ve taken her up on it.”

Pain flashes in his eyes, but I don’t give a damn. Okay, well, that’s not true. I hate knowing I’m causing him pain with this decision, but I hate the pain he’s caused me these last few days more.
