Page 92 of Give Me a Reason

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He grins. “None of you will be surprised to learn that Vincent’s asked to make a second speech. Since I know what he wants to say, I’m okay with letting him do it. Listen up, folks. You’re going to fucking love this.”

A hush falls over the tent, and since everyone else looks just as puzzled as I feel, I’m assuming they don’t know what’s going on either. It takes me a second to realize that Emma, my dad, Mom, Jonathan, and Camille are the only ones who seem to be in the know, and whatever he’s up to, they’re happy and excited about it.

I sigh. Life with Vincent is many things, but boring has never been one of them. After our scare that night when I started bleeding, I realized how stupid it was to keep him at arm’s length when all I wanted was to let him back in. The boy is flawed, but he’s also smart and self-aware enough to know it.

The fact is that we made these babies together, we love each other, and while he did fuck up, he didn’t really do anything unforgivable. Plus, he’s been doing everything in his power to make it up to me, and I really do believe he wants to and will do better next time.

Jonathan sat him down earlier this week, and all I know about their conversation is that Vincent emerged from it more serious about fixing things than ever. I know that my unexpected pregnancy has brought up a lot of stuff for the Moores, but working through it together seems to be making them stronger than ever—which is saying something since they’ve always been such a tightknit family.

Although Vincent is still groveling, I really have forgiven him. He went on a four-day bender. That’s it. Not ideal, but not the end of the world either.

Besides, we’ve got bigger fish to fry, and my bleeding made us both realize it. In the greater scheme of things, our love, our relationship, and the family we’ve created are all far more important than his momentary lapse of judgment. He still came home every night, slept next to me, and went to work every morning. He and Maxim even signed their first two bands.

So I’ve decided to look forward instead of dwelling on what I’m mentally referring to as hislost days. In two weeks’ time, we’ve got an appointment for a complete fetal assessment. Doc has assured us that everything still looks good, but he referred us for it because apparently it’s pretty run-of-the-mill in multiple pregnancies, which are by their very nature higher risk than normal.

Next month, we’re moving into the house Vincent has bought us, and then we’ll start getting ready for the babies’ arrival. All things considered, there’s a lot to look forward to, and I won’t let his lost days get in the way of that.

“Hello again,” he croons into the microphone, dragging me out of my head and making me look at him standing casually against the podium. He looks so fucking hot in his tuxedo with his hair all tousled and his tie already loosened.

Doc gave us the all-clear for sex, which is great since my hormones are making me throw myself at Vincent several times a day. Pregnancy sex is great, though. I seriously can’t stop doing it. I swear I’ve been able to feel my orgasms all the way to my gums. And that piercing… It’s doing more for me than ever before given my increased sensitivity.

As I think about it, I feel a rush of heat between my legs, and I wonder if I’ll be able to steal him away after this next toast. He’s already made his best man speech to Maxim and Emma, but whatever he’s about to say, I just hope he makes it fast.

Mama needs a quickie.Oh God. Now even I’m referring to myself as that.

“As all of you know…” He starts, and I force myself to focus on what he’s saying instead of the situation developing down below. “I’ve recently left behind my love of the game in favor of pursuing the love of my life, and man, what a ride it’s been. I’ve learned, I’ve changed, and I’ve grown in ways I never thought possible for someone like me.”

He chuckles, but he’s also suddenly looking a little more nervous than he did before. “I, uh, I’ve made a lot of mistakes, in my relationship with Olivia and in my life, but I think the biggest mistake I’ve ever made was not seeing her for the incredible person she is earlier. Because it took me such a long time to see what’s been right in front of me all along, I’ve missed out on a lot of years I could’ve been with her. The thing is I’ve decided it’s time for me to cut back on making mistakes. I’ll still make them, obviously, but not if I can help it.”

He rakes his gaze over everyone in the crowd, but then those gorgeous eyes settle on me. “Liv, I love you. Since I’m all about fixing my mistakes these days, can we not waste any more time? Will you marry me?”

My mouth drops open, but he seems to be serious since he goes down on one knee and pulls out a ring box, opening it and holding it out in my direction. I’m so stunned that the only words that come out are, “What? Like… right now?”

The expression that passes over his features tells me that it wasn’t what he meant but he’s seriously considering it now that I’ve mentioned it. Shrugging as he glances at Tim, he nods. “Sure. Yeah. Why the hell not? We’ve already got an officiant and everyone we love is here, so let’s do it.”

He swings toward Maxim and Emma. “What do you say, guys? Do you mind if we double this thing up?”

Emma smiles so wide that her cheeks look like they’re going to pop off, but before she can say anything, Maxim pipes up. “Go for it. We’ve been doubling up on a lot of shit these days.”

“Really? Could you not just keep your mouth shut for one more day?” Emma mumbles loudly enough for everyone to hear before she groans and covers her face in her hands, but then she shakes her head, laughs, and gets up, picking up her bouquet as she does. “You know what? Go for it. I’ve got a delivery to make.”

As she starts toward me, Maxim stands up as well, and there are tears in his eyes when he announces, “Emma is pregnant too. A couple weeks behind Olivia, but yeah. That happens. Also, we’re having twins.”

“What are the fucking odds?” someone at the table beside mine—Max, I think—says as he laughs. “God, I love our lives. You gotta love this, right?”

“Never a dull moment.” Tim agrees, also laughing.

“With the amount of kids we spawned and the amount of kids of their own they seem to be spawning, did you really expect anything else?” Jolene jokes.

I’m still too stunned to move, speak, or even breathe, but they’re making pretty valid points. “This is insane,” I mumble to myself as Emma appears in front of me and holds out her bouquet.

“You know, I wanted you to catch this anyway. It’s much easier this way.” She stills completely, flushes, and then glances over her shoulder at everyone else. “No offense, ladies. I’m sorry, but my money was on Liv and Vincent getting married next. I really shouldn’t have said that out loud, though.”

Meanwhile, my dad has gotten to his feet, and he’s holding his hand out toward me. “Want me to walk you down the aisle, baby?” He glances at the space between me and Vincent. “Okay, so it’s not an aisle. Want me to walk you across the dance floor?”

“You knew about this?” I ask, gaping at him.

“I’d have shot him by now if I didn’t,” he grumbles, and everyone who hears him starts laughing.
