Page 93 of Give Me a Reason

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Vincent has pulled Maxim into a full-on jump hug, and as I stumble to my feet, Emma pulls her veil out of her hair and hands that over too, cocking her head as she looks at me. “The assistant at the bridal store I used gave me her cell number when I told her I was pregnant. Just in case the dress needed any last-minute alterations today. I bet I could get her to run a dress down here for you in less than an hour if you want.”

I throw my arms around her shoulders and haul her closer to me. “Thanks, but no. That’s okay. This is so fucking crazy… and congratulations. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”

She giggles as she hugs me back. “We only found out about the twin thing yesterday. The plan was to let everyone know tomorrow, but what the heck, right?”

“That definitely seems to be a theme today,” I murmur back.

As I let her go, Isabella suddenly stands up. “Since we’re all making announcements, I just want to tell everyone that I’ve dropped out of school, and I’m joining Maxim and Vincent’s company to start their fashion department.”

“We’ve got a fashion department?” Vincent asks at the same time Maxim says, “Cool. Yeah. That works. Welcome aboard.”

She beams at them. “Thank you, and yes. Now you have a fashion department. Every band needs a good stylist, and I happen to have an excellent sense of style.”

“You know we’re not making any money yet, right?” Maxim asks, but before she can respond, Vincent clears his throat.

“Uh, guys? This is all great, but I was kind of in the middle of something.” He turns back to me just as I put my hand in my dad’s. “Are we doing this, love? You haven’t really given me an answer yet.”

I pin Emma’s veil into my hair with my free hand and then accept her bouquet. “This is the most insane thing anyone has ever done, but yes. We’re doing this. Let’s get married, baby.”

Pandemonium erupts. The cheers, hollers, and clapping that follows are so loud I think the tent might collapse. But if it does, not even that will stop me from going to my future husband right now.

The DJ starts playing the wedding march, and even though this is entirely unplanned and completely crazy, Max was right. You gotta love our lives. I know I sure do.



Man, has it been anight. One that somehow might even have been crazier than our impromptu wedding night.

We raced to the hospital at one a.m. because we got a call that James was being rushed into surgery. It turns out he’s fine. He didn’t even need surgery in the end. He broke his pinkie finger doing God only knows what at the fuckingcircus, and now I’m holding two tiny baby girls in my arms.

Mytwo baby girls.

Somewhere else in the hospital, Emma might be in labor. I’m honestly not sure, but she’s not due for another two weeks so I really hope everything is fine. I haven’t really gotten around to checking my phone.

Olivia has only just been rolled into her hospital room, and since my hands are a little full right now, I can’t really check on them at the moment. Also, have I mentioned that my wife is a fucking rockstar who had an emergency cesarean section less than two hours ago and is already smiling again?

There are even stars in her eyes—although that could be on the account of all the drugs they gave her.As I said, it’s been a crazy fucking night.

But as I look down at the two babies in my arms, I know that our life isn’t likely to get any less crazy anytime soon. I wouldn’t have it any other way, though.

“Are they still okay?” Olivia asks, sounding slightly groggy but incredibly happy.

I nod, glancing at the nurse who’s checking Liv’s IV. “Can she hold them yet?”

“Of course,” she says as she finishes whatever she was doing with the equipment and walks to the armchair I’m sitting on.

She just handed them over to me a few minutes ago, but I’m definitely going to need some help maneuvering them without breaking anything. I’ve heard that babies aren’t as fragile as they look, but holy shit, these girls are tiny. They look incredibly fucking breakable to me.

As if she hears my thoughts, the nurse chuckles. “Let me help you out there. Do you want me to take one to Mommy?”

“Yes, please,” I say immediately. “Who do you want first, baby? Rose or Ruby?”

“Whoever looks the hungriest,” she replies softly. “Just bring me a baby. I need one of my babies.”

The nurse smiles and takes Rose from me. “I’m going to leave her on your breast for a half hour. Then we’ll switch. If she stops drinking, call me, and we’ll do the switch earlier. Congratulations, guys.”

“I’m so in awe of you right now,” I say once the nurse is gone. “I’m in awe of all of you. How are you feeling, Livvy?”
