Page 94 of Give Me a Reason

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When I look up at her after finally managing to tear my gaze away from Ruby, I can’t believe that the thought that hits me is actually true, but it is. She’s more beautiful to me right now than she’s ever been before. There’s a serene, peaceful smile on her face, and even though her cheeks are bright red, her hair is a mess, and her makeup is smudged from all the crying and her earlier stint in labor, she’s the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen.

“Don’t look at me like that,” she says. “I can practically hear you thinking, and I’m not beautiful or anything to be in awe of.” She frowns. “Have you heard anything from Maxim?”

“You are beautiful, but shit. I still haven’t checked.” I shift gently, trying to pull my phone out of my pocket without jostling the baby. Her little lips do the cutest almost smacking thing, but she’s still fast asleep when I see the text from my brother and read it out loud. “False alarm. Just more Braxton Hicks. We’re back in the waiting room with the others. Give us a shout when you’re ready for company. No one’s going anywhere, and moms are rearing to go. Seriously. They might get chucked out by security for disturbing the peace if you don’t let them in soon.”

Olivia chuckles softly, then takes a deep breath and nods before she coos to the baby in her arms. “Are you ready to meet your family, little one? I think you are, aren’t you? You’ll have to wait a few more weeks for your cousins, but the four of you are going to be such good friends. One little boy between three little girls.”

I grin. “One little boy for now. You never know. Our next one could be a boy.”

She groans. “I can’t even feel my toes again yet, and you’re already talking about the next one. Pipe down, Daddio. Instead of already planning on doing this all over again, why don’t you get our parents? I don’t think Maxim was joking when he said our moms are going to be tossed out if they can’t meet their girls soon.”

Glancing down at the baby, I press myself up awkwardly and slowly with my free hand, trying to stand without waking, hurting, or breaking Ruby. Olivia laughs, eyeing me with amusement dancing in her eyes as I make my way to the door.

“Oh, shut up,” I mutter even though she hasn’t said anything, laughing as I push down on the door handle. “I’ll get better at it.”

“You’re about to get plenty of practice.”

“Yeah, if I ever get to hold either of them again once we let our tribe in here.” As I say it, I walk out, and my nose is barely out of the room before our parents are there. If it wasn’t for the baby I’m holding, I’m pretty sure our moms would’ve mowed me down in their haste to get to their first grandchildren.

The first of many for both of them, I think. The next generation of Full Moon has started making their arrival, and I can hardly wait to see what they get up to. Not that our generation is quite done getting up to our own shenanigans, though. In fact, as far as I’m concerned, we’re really only just getting started.
