Page 53 of Dirty Deals

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“I can live with that. We’ll either hire someone or train in-house to take over that role. Just don’t leave me.” Charles chuckled.

Nik’s relief was short lived. He still had to tell Charles that Jules didn’t want to move to Toronto. “There is one other issue I wanted to loop you in on.”

“What’s that?”

“Jules Roberts isn’t interested in moving to Toronto. The scene with my father led to her finding out prematurely about the merger, and she categorically refuses to move. I think I can convince her to take the job running the merged operation, but only if we move headquarters here to Vancouver.”

Nik had already decided this was a no-brainer; the offices at Coastal were more than adequate for housing a large enough leadership team for both divisions. They still needed a good second in command to be in charge of Ontario, but there were one or two people Nik thought might be ready for a promotion, which would solve that problem.

“Fine, fine. I’m guessing that means you’ll be running the Canadian operation from Vancouver from now on, then?”

Nik detected amusement in Charles’s voice. “If I can convince her to say yes, then I’m moving in permanently.” And even if he couldn’t convince Jules to make their relationship permanent, he’d move into his own place in the neighbourhood and work at earning her trust back until she agreed to give him another chance.

“Good luck. Getting Alicia to agree to put up with me took all my negotiating skills. Here’s hoping you don’t have to work quite as hard. Speaking of, I’d better get back before she realizes I’ve missed half the performance.” Charles ended the call.

Nik leaned back against the sofa, excited about the possibilities his new role would create. More time with Ava, more time with Jules. Building the family he’d always wanted.

Penny crawled into his lap, her tail thumping in pleasure as he rubbed behind her ears. “What do you say, Penny? Think I can convince your mom to let me stick around?”

Convincing Charles to agree to his plan had been easier than he’d thought. Now he had to figure out how to get Jules to agree.


Jules watched as Nik buckled Ava into her car seat in the back of the SUV. When he’d arrived to pick them up this morning, he’d greeted her with a brief kiss and a whispered, “We’ll talk when Ava is napping?” Not having many options, Jules had agreed and occupied herself with completing Ava’s discharge papers.

Ava was busy showing off her sparkly cast. All the nurses and doctors had been by to sign it, and now Ava was demanding Nik sign it too.

“I’ll sign it as soon as we get home,” he said, planting a kiss on her forehead before closing the door.

Jules climbed up into the passenger seat and practised her deep breathing as Nik drove home. She was exhausted, anxious, and really wanted a long bubble bath and a glass of wine to unwind and forget the last twenty-four hours. She dreaded the upcoming conversation with Nik, even if she knew it was necessary. Putting her own needs first was not something she was used to. Long into the night, she had debated options with herself, trying to decide what she really wanted. Finally, she had reached a compromise she could live with. As much as she wanted the new CEO job, she wanted Ava to remain in Vancouver more. It wasn’t fair to ask Nik to change his life completely, give up his job, in order for her to take the CEO role and move to Toronto. Instead, she would see if there was some lesser role she could take on here in Vancouver. Then, if he was willing to make Vancouver his home base, Ava would have the stability and familiarity of Vancouver when he was gone for long stretches.

Jules chewed her lip uncertainly. Would Nik be willing to make Vancouver his home? She wanted their relationship to work. She believed he wanted that too. Nik definitely wanted to be part of Ava’s life. If she were willing to give up the career opportunity of a lifetime, was it too much to ask for him to relocate to Vancouver? What would she do if he refused? Her stomach cramped at that thought. She didn’t want to lose him, but she had to think about what was best for Ava. Once they were home and alone, she would tell Nik what she had decided.

That opportunity didn’t come until much later, when Simone finally whisked Ava off to bed for a doctor-recommended nap, with the promise of a leftover cupcake from the party when she woke up again. With trepidation, Jules led Nik to the basement and locked the door behind them. This conversation was one she didn’t want interrupted by anything.

When Nik sat on one end of the sofa, she took the other end, needing some space between them. She was acutely aware of his physical presence, her body thrumming, aching to be held. If she touched him now, she might give in to her immediate need, pretend the future would look after itself. She couldn’t afford that today. They needed to decide what that future would look like.

“I’m sorry—”

“I think—”

They spoke simultaneously, both breaking off to let the other finish. After walking away from Nik without letting him explain last night, Jules waved for him to go first.

“I’m sorry about what happened with my father. I never wanted you to find out about the merger this way, and I hope you believe me when I say that I intended to include you in the decision-making process once everything was official.” He leaned towards her, reaching across the space between them to take her hand. A slow burn flared deep inside her when he touched her, but she would not let that distract her. This was too important. He seemed sincere, and she wanted to trust him.

“I believe you. But I know about it now, so we need to talk about it. I spent a lot of time last night thinking about everything that happened.”

“I did, too, and I have a proposal.” Nik leaned forward eagerly.

Needing to make her request before she lost her nerve, Jules put up her hand to stop him. “I’d like to go first, please. I’m honoured you want me to run the new company. It validates everything I’ve done for the past year. But I can’t take a new position if it means I have to move to a new city. I’ll be working all the time, and Ava will be surrounded by strangers. Your job means you have to travel all the time, and I would never ask you to change that.” Jules met his gaze, the vulnerability she saw there matching her own. It gave her the courage to take the next step. “What I want most is for us to make our relationship work. I want to be a family. I want you. I love you, Nik.”

Nik’s smile made the lines around his eyes crinkle in the exact way that melted her heart. He tugged her across the empty cushion between them and pulled her into his lap, crushing his lips down on hers. His mouth opened, and his tongue swept into her mouth, tangling with hers, heating her blood. Jules wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed herself against him, aching for him. She whimpered a protest when he pulled back and tucked her hands against his chest.

“I love you too, princess.” Nik’s voice was thick with emotion. “More than anything in the world. And I have no problem with staying here in Vancouver, but I have a few things I want too.”

He loved her? He was willing to stay? Happiness bubbled in her chest, and she pressed her lips against his neck, tongue flicking out to touch his pulse point.

Nik turned his face and kissed her again, fast. “Let me tell you what I need to; then you can kiss me anywhere you want,” he teased.
