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As I put on the dress, it’s a struggle. I’m scared the dress is going to rip. “No, hold on. Don’t move. I do need to let it out, which I can do no problem. Your fiancé warned me to leave a few inches in case of pregnancy. Lucky girl, you didn’t waste any time.”

I go still. No. It’s not possible…right? I’m due to start my period any day, holy shit. I grab my phone once she leaves to fix the dress. No, no, no. I’m supposed to be ending my period. My period was regulated by birth control pills that went missing when I moved from school back home. I was sure I misplaced them but never went looking for them. Before I knew it I was dealing with Milos telling me I was to have his baby.

But the doctor said I should be safe. Fuck. No birth control is one hundred percent. Is this why I’ve been all weepy and weird for the last week?

The dressmaker is back and I’m not able to think of it. I beg Sergei to tell our car to go around the corner, out of sight of Carlo’s men. Now that the threat was truly over, it’s been Sergei at my side for the last two weeks.

He sighs.

“I’m not going anywhere, but I have to give Carina a chance. Please, Sergei,” I beg.

“Fine. But when this blows up in our faces, I’m telling Milos this is all you.”

“Don’t be so negative.” I shake my head.

“Come on, let’s go hide before they get here.” He guides me to the back.

Once we’re in the passageway, we sigh. Nothing to do but wait in the dark.

“So girly, talk to me. You’ve been happier but you seem on edge today.” Sergei’s voice comes out of the dark.

My head goes back against the brick. “I think I’m pregnant and trying not to freak.”

His squeal splits my ear. “Oh my god, that’s amazing.”

He hugs me so tight I can’t breathe. “Stop, you weirdo. This is not the time.”

I’m dropped without warning. “What? This is the perfect time. Also Milos will be over the freaking moon.”

“That’s the problem. He wants me pregnant. What happens once I am? Will he still want me?” I share my deepest fear. “I was hoping it would take a few months so he could fall in love with me.”

Sighing heavily, he says, “Okay, I don’t get you. It annoys me that you don’t see how beautiful and sweet and nice you are, then you have the firecracker, sassy element that girl is hella hot. You don’t get it, fine. But how the fuck do you not get what Milos has done for you. You say he didn’t want—”

I fight tears. “Not this again. He told me he doesn’t love me. That he doesn’t believe in love. He feels respect and he wants to fuck me. Marriage is different in mafia. You marry for position and power and you have a woman on the side. That’s how these things go.”

Suddenly the passageway opens. “Celia?” It’s Carina.

I find her in the dark, hugging her tight. She starts crying. “It’s going to be okay, sweetie. I promise. I’ve got you a debit card with all the money I have, nineteen thousand and change. Here’s the instructions on how to check the balance with the password.”

She grasps it tight. “Thank you.”

“This is my passport, you’re booked on a flight to Florence. It leaves in three hours. Go buy a carry-on and enough clothes to fill it. I’m taking your phone and leaving it in the dressing room. Then we’re going to drop you at the airport.” We don’t have the same colored eyes, but we look alike enough a casual glance of the passport wouldn’t have anyone questioning it.

“They wouldn’t give me a phone.”

“Okay, then let’s go.” I urge her forward.

The three of us make it up and out without being spotted. On the way to the airport we discuss her plans and because Carlo will be watching, no contact for a while. We both cry over it. But we know it’s for the best.

I hold her tight when we get to the airport far sooner than I thought we would.

I’m still crying once I get home.

Milos is waiting. “What did you do?”

Tears flowing, I tell him. Not about where I sent Carina, only that I helped her. He sighs but holds me as I cry.

Aside from that conversation, we don’t discuss what I did. Even when Carlo calls to scream at me. Milos takes the phone from me, then calmly tells Carlo what he’s saying is unacceptable. If Carlo does it again, Milos will see it for the disrespect to him it is. Carlo hangs up and doesn’t call back.
