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The night before our wedding we leave the condo and go back to the house. I’m ordered to pack a bag—but don’t worry about too many clothes. After we get married Milos can’t take a true honeymoon, but Tony Sabatini offered us his lake house for a week. It’s safe and secluded. Once we leave the wedding we’ll drive straight through, only an hour north.

We have dinner with Mother, she’s so excited I get excited too. I ask her if she will stand in for Carina and she cries tears of happiness when she says yes. It’s a wonderful night, until she tells me I’m to stay with her in her part of the house. For good luck and a surprise, so Milos doesn’t see me before I walk down the aisle.

Milos argues as loudly as I’ve ever seen him with his mother. I don’t want to give in but I want to make her happy.

“It’s one night,” I whisper to him as I go on tiptoe to kiss him.

“One night away from you feels like a dozen,” he growls.

“No more nights away after this,” I promise him.

Sighing, he gives in.

Although I miss Milos, I’m so glad I gave in to Mother. We spend the night looking at pictures of Milos and his brothers. She finally tells stories of Milos growing up. My chest squeezes tight at the pictures of Milos as a baby. As scared as I am I might be pregnant, I also can’t wait to hold a baby who looks just like his daddy.


Stalking my office,my mind won’t settle. Is it that she isn’t in my bed tonight, or that tomorrow is when all the pretending can end? I’d walked a fine line of allowing my pleasure with her as my wife to show while also making it clear I still viewed our marriage as a power move. She was safe as my woman because she was mine, not because I loved her more than all the money and power I have. No one believed that for Celia I would give everything in my possession. The problem wasshebelieved the lie too.

Her surprise of how completely I supported her in going against Carlo pained me. One because after speaking at length with Sandro, I gave him the tracker information for Carina. It wasn’t about helping Carlo, it was about ensuring Carina was safe. Sandro would protect her, and something told me he would come to love her sooner than either he or Carina thought. And two, because I finally saw how deeply I fucked up.

How could she believe I loved her when I told her not once but twice our marriage wasn’t about love? No wonder she was confused. She did feel it in my touch, when we made love, but the words from my mouth didn’t match my actions. Nothing less than me laying everything out for her would allow her to believe me, in me.

Tomorrow, before our family and everyone we knew, we’d vow forever. It didn’t feel right doing it with the lies hanging over us.

Mind made up, I go to my mother’s wing. The lights are off. Slipping into her room is easy. There is enough light through the window and a nightlight to see Celia in the room.

I place my hand over her mouth then whisper into her ear. “Kotyonok, I changed my mind. No sleeping away from me tonight.”

Instantly she’s awake. A hand runs over my chest, perfect. I put her over my shoulder and carry her out of my mother’s room.

“Naughty boy,” my mother murmurs before I close the door. She knows me well.

It doesn’t take long to get her to my bedroom. Setting her down on the bed, I take the time to lock the door to my room.

When I turn, her beautiful face is scrunched up. “What’s that, cigar smoke? Oh no.” She moans as she rolls off the bed and runs for my bathroom.

I’m a bastard for the satisfaction that rolls through me. The confirmation of my thoughts for the last few days. Celia is pregnant. Shit, poor baby is dry heaving, shudders wrack her small frame. I grab a washcloth, cool it and run it over her face as I pull her into me.

Out of breath, she moans. “What the hell was that?”

Pressing a kiss to her temple, “Our daughter making her presence known. Like her mother, she doesn’t do anything quietly. “

Celia goes still. “No.” It’s a whisper. “How could…”

Her mouth snaps closed. The lie she told sends anger rushing through me. I’m unrepentant as I pick her up and take her into her old room, as I’ve never smoked in the room. “How could you be pregnant when you received a birth control shot?”

I let her go, turning her to look at me. Her head stays down. “Because you didn’t get a birth control shot. The syringe was filled with two different extremely effective fertility treatments. It would be shocking if you weren’t pregnant, especially how often I fucked you to get you pregnant.”

“How could you do that?” She gasps.

I shrug. “The same way you lied to me and went for a birth control shot. I would never have given you the shot if you hadn’t gone in for birth control.”

“You can’t just tell me I’m going to get pregnant and not allow me to have any say in it. This is something a normal couple talks about. Discusses, it isn’t up to one of them. You never gave me a choice in what was going to happen to my body,” she shouts at me.

“I gave you the choice when I asked you to marry me. I told you I wanted children, that it was time. You said yes.” Frustration seethes through me. This isn’t how it was supposed to go.

She reels back at me. “A choice? It was you and yes, right then and there, or no to the only thing I wanted for the last four years. What I thought I lost that day I screwed up. Saying no was never an option for me. Why couldn’t you have given me a little more time? Why did I have to get pregnant immediately?”
