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During her pregnancy with Elizabeth, Beth within our family, she was tired all the time in a way that worried me. By her second month I put my men in place to run the club without me there. Once Beth was here, I didn’t care if we never had another baby, I didn’t want to be away from any of them all night long.

With me taking a step back from the club, I had more time to take on more Bratva business from Milos so he could be more present with his own small army of children. This deal was a complicated one between the Levins, and the two cartels of the Reyes family and the Rodriguez family. Things got delicate for a hot fucking minute. The problem with me handling more Bratva business is she knew less and worried a little more for my safety.

“I’m sorry you felt the need to bring the kids into the city to see me only for me to put you off to the condo until I finished. I should have taken the hour or two and spent it with you. This deal got more complicated than I—”

Her hand goes over my mouth. “I felt neglected because for three whole days you came into the city to work. You were home every night before six and I’m a brat. This pregnancy is harder for some reason than Zander, Beth, or Yulia. I was trying to hide it in case I did want another but I think this is the last one. I should have come back to the condo and waited for you. Three small children and pregnant, I should not have gone to the park by myself. George is for protection, not a nanny. I need to take responsibility for it.”

Running my hand over her small bump. At only fourteen weeks she’s barely showing. I’d wanted more time in between each child but we weren’t good at using protection or keeping our hands off each other. “All right. In that case, I believe this means you deserve a punishment.”

My dirty girl grins up at me. “Oh no, please don’t punish me.”

“You have to learn your lesson.”

“That’s it.” Her smile fades.


“We never stop learning. I don’t know why I thought one day I would have finally figured it all out.”

I nod. “Yes, it isn’t easy. Some of the lessons are pretty damn painful, like today. We learn, we grow, and we hopefully never make the same mistake twice.”

“I guess, I always hoped one day I would be like you with all the answers and so very intelligent.”

“The only answers I know are what will make you happy. It’s when I don’t know or I forget to do it that none of the intelligence matters.”

“Hm, I think I’m ready for my punishment now.” She presses her lips to mine.

“Whatever my baby needs.”

“Just you and your love forever and forever.” She exhales the words into my mouth.

“Then you shall have it. Forever and ever.” I promise her.
