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Of course he doesn’t. “Because you needed blood—so you got mine. Two units, in fact.”

Hesaved my life.Hisblood is running through my veins. There’s something in his eyes, I close my own to shut him out—unable to cope with it right now. “I don’t remember falling asleep. I was shocked when I heard you close your front door and it woke me up,” I admit.

“What brought you to me,zaika? Why didn’t you go to a hospital?” The questions are soft, curious.

The shot is hitting me, finally. “Me going after you and your family isn’t something the FBI agrees with—they’d take the badge away. I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go. When I figured out I was near your house, it was the only place I could think of that would be safe.” I shake my head. “I didn’t think you’d be there. I was just going to break in and use your place to get cleaned up before going home.”

“If you hadn’t slipped your tail, my men wouldn’t have let anyone hurt you.”

“Seriously?” I find it hard to believe.

A dark eyebrow goes up. “Of course not. I’m the only person allowed to hurt you.”

“So it will be you who kills me?” I say it without thinking.

“No one else will dare unless they’re prepared to die themselves.” He winks at me. “Tell me what happened,zaika.”

“Richie promised me you and your family.” I shrug. “I was stupid. I can admit it. I didn’t tell anyone I was going to meet him. Then when I got there I told them no one would miss me.”

“Very stupid.”

I have no idea why I laugh. Aleksander Levin pulls no punches. I never imagined him any other way. Not even while I’m minutes from waking up after almost dying. I don’t deserve any punches pulled, I almost died because I was stupid.

His squeeze of my hand is gentle. “He’ll pay for it.”

I’m aware it’s wrong for satisfaction to fill me—I don’t care. The fucker deserves what Aleksander will do to him.

“Now that you’re awake, I’m going to get a few hours of sleep. If there is anything you need, tell Amaya.” The moment his hand leaves mine I feel lost, let loose of my mooring. He sees it. “Are you okay? Is your pain worse?”

I attempt to shake my head but even lying down, the room begins to spin. “I’ll be fine. You can rest.” Wait, has he been awake since I’ve been here?

“Call me if you need anything.” It’s an order.

“Okay,” I whisper.

It’s only as he leaves the room expands without him in it. I look up to find the nurse, Amaya, staring at me. Now that I’m not feeling like hell, I take the time to study her. Her hair is more brown than blonde, although in the light it appears blonder. She’s taller than me by at least a few inches. I’m also going to guess a few years older, maybe twenty-six or twenty-seven. “I worry he become my patient next.”

I blush. Almost immediately sleep takes over without warning.

I’m awake after only a few hours. The pain wakes me up again. I attempt to sit up. Fucking hell, the stitches tug. Almost immediately Amaya is at my side.

“What do you need?” She lays her hand on mine to keep me in place. I pull away, she backs up. How did I miss Aleksander’s touch yet not accept hers?

I’m not sure. Everything hurts, yet below that I don’t feel right. There is an odd emptiness in my side, like I’m being cut open all over again, only slowly this time, with a dull knife. “I don’t know…bathroom?”

“You are wearing something to protect you, no mess. You must be careful of your stitches. Please lay back down.” When she approaches me, I reel back as much as I can.

Gross—an adult diaper is at my fingertips. I hate the way it clings to me.

“Aleksander!” I call for him, I don’t understand why. Confusion is spinning inside me.

“I’m right here,zaika.” His hand grips mine again. I clutch at his hand. I’m barely restraining myself from climbing up his arm.

They’re speaking Russian again. “It’s scary. I know. Everything is going to be okay. I’m here. I won’t go anywhere.” He speaks low, soothingly. I turn into his heat, he’s too far away. “Careful of your stitches.”

In swift, gentle moves he’s up beside me in bed, pulling me up against his hard heat. Air comes shakily but easier than before. It’s there again, a stinging electric rush. Strange the electricity is so strong, yet it’s almost soothing to feel it all around me.

My mind tells me to fight him—to fight myself. Except I can’t, I’m far too weak, especially when it feels so good to be in his arms. On one level I’m sure it’s because of my wound, yet deep down, as hard as it is to believe, there is an innate gentleness to his touch—to him. Someone as large and fierce looking as Aleksander doesn’t seem like he would be so gentle.
