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There it is again, a sense of peace and complete contentment unlike anything I’ve ever known, all because Phoenix is in my arms. I’m lying to her and myself. I didn’t marry her simply to protect her or satisfy Milos’s order for me and my brothers to marry, or even because I thought our family owed her. I’m keeping her because I can’t imagine never feeling like this again.

While I want to tell her, she isn’t ready. With all her fire and fight she showed me over the last few weeks, I never would have thought Phoenix was this fragile. I was prepared for sexual kinks and inclinations that might be difficult for us to navigate. Every word of her file from her child therapist Valdez managed to get me is ingrained into my brain.

Nothing hinted all her fire was from the hate she had for my family. If I were to tell her the truth, she would run scared. Hell, she might just burn this whole building down to get away. Easing Phoenix into the deep end without letting her see it coming is the only safe way.

Her body is softening, she’s trying to slip into sleep to hide. No, my little bunny rabbit, the time for that has passed. Slipping the handkerchief from my pocket, I pull back and use it to clean her up. She keeps her eyes down as I do. The sound of her stomach growling has her blushing. “Perfect timing, I’m usually eating lunch around now.”

“Lunch? It’s almost six in the evening.” She slides off my lap then the bed. Once her feet hit the floor she sways for a moment. I’m off the bed catching her, holding her hips until she stands on her own.

I go down on my knees to pull up the boxers. I’m inches away from her slick cunt. Fucking hell, all I want to do is take my time eating her until I leave her throat hoarse from her screams of pleasure, except she isn’t ready. Yet.

Pulling up the boxers, I catch her gorgeous round ass in my hands as I stand. A huge fucking mistake, each globe of sweet flesh fit my hands perfectly. “My workday starts at eight in the evening. I’ll eat again at eleven. So this,zhena, is lunch for me. Your order, or do you want me to order for you?”

I’m a bastard for loving the way she sways against me. “What?”

She can’t react to me the way she does and genuinely believe I’ll let her go. My hand is around the back of her neck, guiding her eyes back up to me. “My workday starts at eight in the evening, so I eat lunch around now. What would you like? Wherever you want. Whatever you want, I’ll order from.”

“I’ve always wanted to try borscht. What is it?”

I chuckle as something eases within me. Phoenix is interested in the Russian culture—my culture. “Borscht is a stew made of beets most often and sometimes with cabbage. Do you like beets?”

Her face says it all. “I don’t dislike cabbage. Beth, the foster lady whose house you sold, used to make cabbage stews of all kinds and she loved making cabbage and corned beef.”

“I’ll have my mother make it for you to try sometime. She loves to cook and our cook is upset he can never match her skill when it comes to her food. This evening, what would you like?”

“Um, I haven’t had sushi in a while. Is that okay?” Blue shimmers up at me.

“Yes, is there a favorite place you prefer it from?”

Shaking her head. “No, I’m not picky. A salmon roll and shrimp tempura please.”

“I’ll call it in.” I’m not a huge fan of sushi. Nikita loves the stuff though, so I have a place. It also serves Kobe beef steaks me and Milos preferred over the sushi.

Picking her up, I carry her into the formal sitting room. I head straight to the cabinet in the corner for a strong pour of vodka. The place doesn’t do delivery let alone take-out, however for my family they will do take-out. I send a man to get it.

Done, I slide my phone back into my pocket. I turn from the corner to find Phoenix watching me. “Why are you taking care of me? Why do you want…why?”

Lying isn’t something I shy away from. There are the normal “white” lies:Nikita, she’s obviously a lesbian. Why else would she turn you down?

No, Mother, you haven’t aged a year since I was child—almost true that one.

I told myself not ten minutes ago lying to her was necessary. Only I can’t bring myself to in the moment. “Because I want you as dependent on me for your happiness as you have made me on you.”

Blue eyes widen. Fuck, she is so damn beautiful. “How the hell are you so beautiful in a shirt and stolen boxers?” The words slide out of me without thought.

She blinks fast. “You don’t have to say things like that.”

I chuckle. “I’m curious. Where did you get the idea you weren’t beautiful from?”

Shrugging, she gazes out of the window behind me. “The world. The minute I stopped being skinny everyone around me freaked out like I’d scarred my face or something. It was easy enough for me to lose the weight again. Then after Ray…once I was placed with Beth and it became my,” she shrugs, “I guess, job to run her errands. I decided to go to the places in my old neighborhood. Not everyone recognized me, and the difference in how they treated me when I was fat was a complete one-eighty. People who used to smile and chat, looked through me as if I didn’t exist. I’m nothing like your normal women. I’m fat.”

Anger flares hot and bright inside me at her words. “What did you say?” I dare her to repeat it.

Shrinking, she shakes her head.

“Do not ever call yourself that word again. If you do, the spanking you received earlier will be nothing compared to your punishment. That word is ugly. It’s used to elicit shame and you should never be ashamed of your body, especially not when you’re sexy as fuck to me. I don’t want you tothinkof yourself with that word. Do you understand?” I demand.
