Page 72 of Undeniable

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“Nuh-uh.” His expression was soft. “I want to see all of you, Mrs. Beckman.”

My heart exploded, along with my stupid ovaries.

“You’re the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen. My beautiful wife.” His hand reached out to cup my chin and I turned my face to kiss his fingers, sure I heard sadness coloring the husky desire in his voice.

His fingers were gentle on my cheek, then they were in my hair to tug at the band that held the long braid. He yanked it out to loosen my hair, then stood back to look at me, his eyes glazed, a look I’d never seen from him before that I thought might be lust.

He seemed frozen in place and I pushed up onto my knees, scooting to the edge of the bed and reaching for his hips. He took the small extra step forward, his eyes on my hands as I popped the button of his pants, and I caught my lip in my teeth as I tugged them down his powerful thighs.Holy shit, this was really happening.

Catching one leg under his foot, he peeled them off and hesitated for just a second, long enough for me to appreciate the way the snug boxer briefs struggled to contain him. My eyes flicked up to his, gratified by the hunger I saw in his.

“You’ve never looked at me like this before,” I whispered, and I couldn’t keep the small smile from stealing across my lips.

He bent slowly, pushing the underwear down his legs and my heart stopped beating.

“Only every time I thought you weren’t looking,” he responded, catching my chin with his fingers to tip my face upward. “It’s been killing me.”

That made two of us.

I couldn’t help it, the needy sound I made when my eyes drifted over him, all of that naked perfection, and all mine.

“Does that mean you like what you see, Mrs. Beckman?” he asked, his voice warm and teasing, and I leaned back to scoot up the bed before holding out both hands to him.

“Can I see you closer?”

“Your wish is my command,” he teased, dropping onto all fours on the edge of the bed and crawling up to me. It was like watching a powerful cat stalk its prey, all bunching muscles and sinuous movement, and I felt the thrill deep in my belly, such a powerful sensation that it traveled all the way up my throat.

He crawled right up between the legs I parted for him and placed a hand at the center of my back to ease me down.

“How do you want to do this?” he whispered, looking concerned, and a little chuckle slipped out of my mouth.


Another slow smile from him. “Thatispreferable.”

The smile fell off his face then, replaced by a serious, determined look and he leaned down to take my earlobe between his teeth, followed by the softness of his lips and tongue, something that made the entirety of my lower body pulsate.

My hands had a mind of their own, roaming quickly over all that smooth, soft, glorious skin. His muscles bunched and flexed as I did, his abdomen jumping when I slid a hand between us to wrap my fingers around him. He grunted when I did, his body going tense above me, and after a few careful strokes I could feel his body vibrating.

“Now, Adam,” I begged, trying to guide him to me and he shook his head shortly.

“The last thing I’m going to do is hurt you because I was too impatient.”

I groaned. “I don’t need you to be a gentleman.” But then his fingers swept gently between my thighs and my eyes went wide.Oh. Maybe I do need you to be a gentleman, if that’s what it means.

He watched my face so intently, it made me self-conscious and I had to shut my eyes to focus on the wonderful things he was doing to my body.

“Eyes on me, Mrs. Beckman,” he purred, leaning down to trace my lower lip with his tongue.

“But you’re looking into my soul.” I panted, forcing my eyes back open, afraid of what he’d see there.

“I know.” His voice was warm and happy. “There are things I need to see.”

I gasped when he slid a finger inside me, and a hard breath gusted from his nose, his fingers never slowing.

The noise I made was incomprehensible, a low groan, and he leaned down to kiss me again, something deep and slow that made me melt, and without warning my body betrayed me as I shattered around him, panting and gasping.

“Yes, baby.” His voice was low and victorious, right in my ear. “Give me more of that.”
