Page 73 of Undeniable

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My entire body sagged weakly, drained by the power of my response to him. To be fair, it had been an awfully long time since I’d been touched by anyone other than myself, and I forced out a small laugh. “I had no idea that was going to happen. I usually get some warning. Sorry, it seems like you have magical fingers.”

“Sorry? Hell, no.” He pushed up on one elbow, his face hovering over mine as he smiled down at me. “That’s the stuff my fantasies are made of.”

Was it, though? I hoped that was the truth.

“Your turn?” I asked hopefully, smoothing a hand down his back and almost involuntarily his body dropped to mine.

“Mmmhmm, in a minute.” He anchored himself with one arm over my head while he leaned down to kiss me again, starting me off slow again, building slowly as his tongue stroked deeper. He was patient, reading my body’s cues, waiting for me to wind up again and it took mere moments to drive me back to a fever pitch, panting and clawing at him. I wanted him just as wound up as I was, crazed and desperate. But so far he was the only one who’d remained in complete control the entire time.

“We’ll take this easy,” he murmured against my neck, his hard breaths the only thing that told me he was on the verge of losing himself.

“Not easy,” I grunted, rocking my body against him. “We have time for easy later.”

With that I reached between us, lining us up and lifting quickly. It made his breath catch and I winced, letting the twinge pass. Ithadbeen a long time and it was going to take me a minute to adjust.

“Hurting you?” he whispered, struggling to keep his eyes open as I took a breath and struggled to take him deeper.

“No.” I lied. “Just been a while.”

He nodded once, bringing up one hand to cup my cheek again and it almost made my eyes fill with tears. His tenderness was my undoing, the way he looked out for me and my comfort; checked to make sure I was ok.

Reaching down, he put a hand beneath my right knee and lifted gently, bringing it around his back. It better opened me to him and he waited for me to lift again, his body trembling with restraint.

I loved that, that he was so…aware. I could think of ways to reward him for such thoughtfulness later.

“Better?” he asked softly, his hips moving in tiny increments, and I answered by leaning up the short space to kiss him, reaching down to take his backside in both hands, pulling hard.

“Mad,” he choked as I took him suddenly, swallowing the rest of my name, and I greedily drank in the expression on his face, his eyes closed, his jaw slack. I wanted to freeze the moment, remember forever what it was like to take his body into my own that first time and put that look on his face: absolute wonder.

We lost our ability to speak then, soft grunts and moans taking the place of words. Our eyes should have been closed as we lost ourselves to the sensations, but he kept his open, heavy-lidded, gazing down into mine in a way that was more intimate than the joining of our bodies. He could see everything when he looked at me like that, down into the places where I held secrets likeI’m in love with youandIf you leave it’ll break me.

I didn’t have words sufficient to describe what happened when I felt his body start to wind up tight and he gritted his teeth, waiting for me. He swiveled his hips carefully, angling himself, and I burst with a wordless cry. He followed immediately, shaking and gasping, his eyes finally drifting shut and he quickly lowered his face into my neck, pressing soft kisses there as he struggled to regain his breath.

Wordlessly he scooped both arms beneath me, holding himself up on his elbows so as not to crush me, but blanketing me in a full-body hug as he murmured something into my neck. It was something said so low, I felt the whisper of the words on my skin, just before his lips pressed another gentle kiss there.

“Hold on,” he instructed, and I hooked the other leg around him as he tucked his body close to mine, rolling quickly and I winced as my full weight came to rest on top of him.

“No, don’t go,” he whispered when I tried to push myself up on my elbows. “You’re fine.” He smiled up at me, a joy in his expression that squeezed at my heart. “My own little weighted blanket.”

There was something dangerous squeezing in my chest and it was threatening to leak out of my eyes. I’d neglected to tell him a couple really important things, things that could change the entire landscape of whatever this was, if he felt the same way.

I was entirely too chicken to do it, to take the chance that he was just being kind to me just because that was who he was, and this was just sex for him. The scratching of an itch that had been spreading out of control for some time.

He held me like that for a long while, his hands smoothing over my hair and up and down my back, breathing like it was no problem despite the fact there was nothing little about me, the full weight of my body pressing down on him.

I loved it, being held like I was delicate and precious.

We didn’t leave the bed until the early dawn of the next day, after a wonderful night of kisses and sighs, soft sounds and passionate moments that inextricably bound my heart to him.

If I’d been secretly in love with him before, this just cemented it: I was in deep, deep trouble.

He made coffee while I mixed a green juice, communicating with soft touches and lingering glances. It was an intense connection I’d never had with anyone before, the overwhelming need to be near him every second that turned me into a teenage girl.

The two of us completed a workout in the garage gym, then I did a few sprints while he jogged at a slower pace. He winded much faster than I did, something that made me constantly look back to check on him and he always smiled and waved me on.

We worked together to make breakfast and Lucy kept jumping up on the counter, eager to see what she was missing.

Bailey sat at the edge of the counter, patiently waiting for spills and crumbs, knowing Adam would sneak him something every time my back was turned. He was a soft touch, that one, and it was something I loved about him: his big heart.
