Page 91 of Undeniable

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“Neither of you were aware of this until recently?” the judge asked, and I could hear the quiet murmur of the translator in the background, my vision suddenly tunneling.

“I suspected, your honor,” I said quietly, aware that Adam was staring at me. “It wasn’t enough to change my mind. I loved her then and I love her now and I will always love and care for her–whatever it takes.”

Adam released a big breath, something that was either relief or a sound of astonishment, and I couldn’t turn my head to meet his eyes. He knew now that I hadn’t mentioned my suspicions to him because I feared it would drive him away. It was complicated enough that I wanted to adopt Daniela, and that was a major adjustment without adding in the responsibilities of learning sign language and taking her to the necessary specialists.

“Is this gentleman truly interested in resuming immediate care for this child?” The judge addressed the translator, who said something to the men at the table in a low tone of voice and there was another explosion of sound as the man shook a finger at me. I was a liar and a cheat, a pawn in the game the government was playing.

“I’m approving this adoption,” the judge said sternly. “This child will not suffer as a political pawn and it’s clear to me this is the situation at hand.” He banged the gavel loudly. “I will have the necessary paperwork completed; if the two of you would stay a moment to sign a few things.”

James’s shoulders relaxed at the sound of the gavel and he waited for the men to be escorted from the room before he stood and whispered something to Adam, then to me: “It’s a ploy. They want to use this for publicity. Hendrickson says their migration representative has some competition and he’s kicking up a fuss to draw negative attention to the incumbent.”

“How do you know this?” Adam asked him, and Hendrickson leaned over the partition with a hand extended in Adam’s direction.

“I know everything, Beckman.” His smile was cool, but it made him astonishingly gorgeous. “UN’s in session; this would be the time to stir up trouble if you want attention.”

I agreed with his assessment, and I nodded slowly. “That’s the only reason.” My heart rate was finally returning to normal. “I made sure there was no family looking to claim her.”

Both Adam and James turned to look at me curiously, and slowly Hendrickson’s eyes followed as well.

“I have a rainy day fund,” I said quietly. “I hired a private investigator when I returned from the border.”

James’s face split into a wide grin. “Kenny’s right, Madelyn. You really are something.”

Adam didn’t look like he shared the assessment. He looked angry, but I was fairly sure he wouldn’t start a fight in front of anyone else.

We signed the necessary paperwork and Adam cuddled Daniela close to his chest, kissing the top of her head again and again. “You missed her,” I said softly, disappointed some of those kisses weren’t for me.

“It was necessary,” he said firmly. “I needed the space.”

“Because of me,” I whispered, feeling hot tears start to rush my eyeballs and it was the last thing I wanted him to see. I had to turn my head to hide my face from him and he didn’t answer, but I heard him swallow hard. That was confirmation enough.

Kennedy, Teagan and Hailey were waiting for us in the hallway when we finally emerged, and Kennedy’s smile was electric. “Happy gotcha day, sweetheart!” she exclaimed, leaning forward through the mass of pink balloons in her hand to kiss Daniela’s head.

I could feel Hailey watching me, her smile gentle when I finally lifted my tear-filled eyes to hers, and she leaned across the short distance to kiss my cheek. She took my hand to pull me aside, and James joined Kennedy and Adam as they conducted a quiet conversation.

“He’s staying with you?” I asked softly and she nodded, the smile falling off her face.

“He says you don’t need him anymore.”

What the hell? I twisted to look over my shoulder at him, surprised to find his eyes on me though he was talking to Kennedy.

“Hailey, I’ve been in love with him my whole life.”

“I know, but have you told him that?” she asked softly, and I had to shake my head.

“I don’t know how to do it. I don’t exactly have the best track record with…emotions.”

“Your vows mean something to him, Madelyn,” she said softly. “When he said forever, he meant it. He was making that promise to you, and it extends to the baby as well.”

“I should have told him.”

“There are a number of things I think both of you need to tell each other.” Her expression was sympathetic. “You’re both stubborn butts.” That was as close as she’d ever get to cursing. “You’re both used to doing things on your own and learning how to lean on one another is a very, very difficult lesson. He’s got you, though, and you’ve got him. You just need to trust him.”

Trust was a hard lesson for me, and had been my whole life.

Steve and Mr. Beckman met us at the restaurant Kennedy had chosen for a celebratory lunch, and since my parents were still in town visiting all their old friends, Kennedy had invited them as well.

Mom had taken quickly to Daniela, something I hadn’t expected to happen, and she stole the baby from Adam immediately while Dad engaged him in a quiet conversation it seemed I wasn’t allowed to join.
