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“It’s…,” I try to think frantically, “personal. Won’t happen again, promise.”

“I sure hope not,” he says, obviously not believing me. “And you should be done with this shelf by now. There’s a lot more that needs to be put on the shelves before your shift is over. You don’t want to stay late, do you?”

“No, I’ll hurry,” I quickly answer, and he finally leaves me alone.

As soon as Eric is out of sight, I take out my phone again. I look for the price to up my follower count with five thousand bots, and my stomach does a little flip.Crap.But then I remember Tanner’s twenty thousand new followers. I have to do it. I just have to!

I almost crywhen I look at my bank account balance after buying more followers that evening. It’s for the best, I tell myself. And it’s not like I’m not getting new followers that are actual people, too. I watch my notification like a hawk, and when I see a name I recognize, I almost jump out of my chair.

Patrick Amaranth has followed me. I have to see if it’sthePatrick Amaranth and not just someone impersonating him. But when I go to his profile, it looks like the real deal. He’s big in the tech world, with almost five hundred thousand followers. How did someone like him even find my page?

Holy crap! This is amazing, and it only proves that my strategy is working. If I can get someone like him to shout out my page, then I’ll pass Tanner in no time. I look through his photos, and while most of them are of different computers and new phone models, there are some of Patrick himself, too. He’s probably in his early thirties and is slim with a shaved head. What he’s lacking in hair, however, he more than makes up for with his massive beard.

I’ve never been into bearded guys, but it kind of suits him. He’s smiling in all his pictures, giving him a warm and friendly look. Surely, someone like him would want to help out a smaller creator. I have to strike while the iron is hot, but I’m not sure how to go about this. Do I just slide into his DMs and ask for a shout-out? That seems kind of crappy, like I’m just using him. I mean, Iam,but I don’t wanthimto think that. I need to establish some sort of a connection first.

I follow him back and like his most recent post. Best to start out slow. I decide to post something, too, just to see if he interacts with my post at all. If he does, then I’ll message him.

It’s just a selfie; I need to get something up quick. I’m winking at the camera, smiling, and as it gets uploaded onto my feed, I watch my notifications closely. A couple of likes trickle in, but nothing from Patrick so far. I need to give it some time, I tell myself. He’s probably busy. It’s not like he’s just sitting there watching my feed for updates.

I make myself put the phone down and do some cleaning around my apartment. Every time I pass my phone, I pick it up, just to check. Then after an hour, it happens. Patrick Amaranth has liked my post! I squeal, jumping around. Here we go; the ball is rolling.

I consider messaging him, but I feel like I need to build up to that.

So,over the next few days, I keep uploading as I usually would. I like and comment on Patrick’s posts as well, and he likes my photos. When he uploads a review for the latest phone from a new brand, I comment on it.

This looks great. I really enjoy reading your reviews. It’s a jungle out there with all the different models coming out. Mind if I ask you some questions about this one?

I don’t know if this is the right approach, but I need to move things along. If he thinks I actually care about tech stuff, then he might be more open to telling his followers about me. I get a thumbs up in response, so I take that as ayes. I’m just about to type out a message for him when I get a notification that Patrick Amaranth has messaged me first. I smile.

Heard you were interested in the DX-1 model,he writes.What do you want to know?

I think for a second, then I start typing.What’s the camera like?

Patrick gets back to me right away.It’s really impressive, actually. You take a lot of pictures, don’t you?

All the time,I write.Would you say the quality is better than the camera I’m using for my photos now?I want him to look at my pictures; they seem to appeal to other guys, at least. Hopefully, they appeal to Patrick, too. Why else would he follow me?

Your pictures look pretty great, to be honest.

A wide grin draws across my face. Hook, line, and sinker.Yeah? Which one is your favorite?

It takes him a moment to answer, but then three little dots appear.I like the Christmas-themed ones. Really puts me in the holiday spirit.

I frown. I have a few pictures of me around town, posing in front of Santa statues and reindeers. There are some images of me in a skimpy outfit with a Santa hat, too. Maybe he means those.

Are you into Christmas? I could probably do some shots around town for you, if that’s something you think your followers would like.

I bite my lip, waiting. I really hope he takes me up on my offer.

I don’t know; it doesn’t really fit my brand. Feels kind of random to have you just pop up on my feed.

We could do some sort of collaboration then,I write.I could pose with whatever thing you’re reviewing next. We could even meet up if you want. You’d be Santa, and I’d be your helper.I add in a winky face for good measure.

I don’t think so, but thanks. Our stuff are just too different. Don’t get me wrong, I really like your pictures. It’s just not what I do on my page.

Crap. I take a deep breath. I can’t get mad. I need to keep him on my side for this to work.Got it,I write.No problem at all. So, got anything fun going on for the holiday?

We message back and forth for a bit, then Patrick tells me that he has a meeting. I toss my phone onto my couch, groaning loudly. I really thought that would work. But I can’t give up now, not when I finally opened up a line of communication with someone as big as Patrick Amaranth.
