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I don’t say anything. It was alright, nothing to write home about. Donnie props himself up and looks at me, looking far too pleased with himself. I raise an eyebrow.


“Told you I’d take you there.”

I almost laugh.Igot myself over the edge; he had very little to do with it. Now that I think about it, I could have achieved the same thing on my own. Why did I invite him over again? A moment of weakness. Maybe it won’t be a total waste, though. Not if he’s going to post one of my pictures again.

Donnie is circling one of my nipples with a feathery light touch, making my skin break out into goosebumps. I can feel him getting excited again. Damn, that’s a quick recovery. I’ll give him that.

Without a word, Donnie pushes inside me again. This time, he goes slow, kissing my neck and breathing heavily into my ear. This is better; this is actually pretty nice. He keeps talking, keeps telling me how good it feels. I rake my fingers over his back, and he bites down on my neck, sucking hard as his movements become more erratic. His whole body jerks, and then he ejaculates again.

A low sound fills the room, a deep groan that seems to be coming from his very core. He rolls off of me in the next second, eyes closed and chest heaving. I’m left very much unsatisfied, and I almost expect him to get back to me once he comes down from his high. That’s hoping for too much, though. Donnie props himself up onto his elbow and looks me over.

“You know, I have a bit of an audience on different platforms. I could get your pics out there too if you want.”

“What kind of platforms?” I ask, not sure I’ll like his answer.

“You know,” he says and wiggles his eyebrow. “It’s very classy. I don’t want you to think it’s something dirty. Mostly just lingerie; maybe some topless action. Are you interested?”

I gape at him. “You’re asking me to do porn? Are you serious?”

“It’s notporn,” he corrects me, sounding a bit annoyed all of a sudden. “It’s just nudes. You’d be great at it; it’s not that different from what you’re already posting. It would really rack up your following.”

I can practically hear my heart beating faster and faster as my pulse rushes through me. “No way!” I almost yell. “Forget it.”

This isn’t fun anymore. Donnie definitely isn’t worth the boost in followers. I just want him to leave. I sit up and wrap my blanket around me. “I think you should leave.

Donnie sits up now, too. “Why are you being a bitch? I thought we were having a good time.”

“Get. Out.”

Without another word, Donnie gets out of bed, grabbing his clothes. He gives me one last look, and then he leaves the bedroom. I hear the front door slam shut a few seconds later. This was a mistake. I lie back down, closing my eyes. Tanner’s face flashes in my mind. I don’t want to think about him, but I can’t help but think that this would have been so much better if it had been him here and not Donnie.

Stop thinking about him!I mentally scold myself. I decide I’m going to block Donnie. I don’t want to interact with him anymore. I’ll keep to actual decent people, like Patrick Amaranth. I can still get him to promote my page. I’m sure of it.

When I grab my phone to block Donnie, I see that he has already unfollowed me. I can’t help but laugh.

Good riddance.


Afew days later, I wake up to an email from the jewelry company I contacted a while back. They want to send me a few things. I squeal, reading that part again. I have a sponsor! Then I get to the part about compensation. They write that there is no budget for monetary compensation, but I will get a ten percent discount code to share with my followers. My excitement dies down. No money. I decide to accept anyway. Weall have to start somewhere, right? And I do get some jewelry out of this.

I guess my following is still too small for any deals that actually pay. I’ve been tempted to buy more followers, but my bank account is looking quite pathetic at the moment, so I hold off. Maybe after I’ve paid this month’s rent, I can get some more. In the meantime, I continue to talk to Patrick, just keeping the conversation light and friendly. But I do need to give another shot with him, and figure out a way to get him to mention me to his followers.

I send the jewelry company my address and go to my closet to find something to wear for the day. I want to shoot some pictures outside today, change things up from the images I take inside my apartment. I choose a beige dress that hits me about mid-thigh, and I pair it with some boots that hit me just below the hem of the dress. It’s cute and sexy, all at once.

It’s snowing again when I go outside, and my mood goes sour. Damn it, it’s going to get my hair all wet. I didn’t even put on a hat! I’ll have to work quickly then.

There’s a massive reindeer in the middle of downtown, and I set up my camera in front of it. Patrick is going to like this, I’m sure of it. Maybe I’ll send him the picture before I upload it, just to get his opinion.

People are giving me weird looks as I pose and snap my pictures, but I don’t care. I see some teenagers snicker as they walk past me, but I just keep going. An old man stops and glances at me, and then at my camera.

“I can take some pictures for you, dear,” he says, reaching for my camera. I don’t even have time to tell him no before he bumps it, and it falls to the ground. I think the snow softened the fall a little, but there’s still a horrible crashing sound as it lands. He looks horrified, trying to bend down to pick it up.

“I’ve got it!” I practically scream at him, trying not to sound angry, even though I’m seething inside. Who just grabs another person’s property like that?

“I didn’t mean to…,” he mumbles, his voice weak and shaking.
