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I shake my head with a smile. “No, you’re fine. Just slow down a little, and let me enjoy you.”

He groans and captures my lips again. This time, he’s gentler, exploring me with soft, languid kisses. I wrap my arms around his neck and press closer. That’s more like it. His hold on me is gentle, like he’s afraid he’s going to break me. I pull him down over me as I lie back onto the couch, and that seems to make Sam bolder.

One hand is caressing my breast through the sheer fabric of the top, and he’s pressing himself against me, his excitement clear as day. It’s nice, but it doesn’t take long before I get kind of bored. This is how I used to feel about kissing until Tanner showed me how great it can be.

As soon as Tanner comes to my mind, I’m over it all. Sam’s hand is gracing the edge of my jeans, but I don’t want to sleep with him. Not anymore. Images of Tanner and Donnie and Sam whirl together in my head, and I push at him slightly. Sam is looking dazed as he blinks down at me, his cheeks flushed.

“Is something wrong?” he asks. I shake my head.

“No, I’m okay. I just think we need to put on the brakes. I… I just remembered that I have plans to go see my mom.”

It’s the first thing that pops into my head, but Sam seems to be buying it. He sits up, helping me get up as well. “Oh, okay. No problem. Maybe we can see each other some other time then?”

I hesitate. Sam is a sweet guy, but I have absolutely no interest in seeing him again. I still want him to post the picture, though. “Sure, we’ll see.”

His face brightens. “Great!”

“You okay?” I ask, feeling kind of bad to have just cut things short like this.

“More than okay,” he says with a smile. “That was amazing. I can’t believe I got to kiss you. I’ve been fantasizing about what it would be like ever since I found your profile.”

“You have?”

He nods. “I love your pictures, but they’re nothing compared to the real thing.” He turns to me, kissing me gently, holding my face like I’m something precious. “Send me that photo, and I’ll upload it when I get back home.”

I find his profile and send him a DM with the photo of us. He stares down at it with a fond expression on his face.

I smile. I mean, it’s a bit weird that he seems so attached to me just because he follows my page, and we only just met today! But at the same time, I can see myself getting used to something like this. Having people view me in the same light as Sam does can be kind of cool.

Sam’s still sitting next to me, smiling as if I’ve just given him an early Christmas present or something. I smile back, raising my eyebrows.

“Right, so… gotta get to my mom’s place soon.”

“Are you going to do something fun?” he asks.

Is he for real? “Not really,” I just say. “Just… visiting.”

It takes him forever to finally take the hint and leave. I keep an eye on my notifications to see if he has tagged me in the picture of the two of us, and when it finally happens, I instantly go over to his page to check the likes and comments. There’s not a lot there yet, but just thirty minutes later, I have three new followers that came from Sam’s page. Better than nothing, but I kind of regret inviting him over.

I should probably stop doing that. Donnie was a monumental mistake, and Sam is probably going to get hurt when he findsout that I don’t want to see him again. I should focus on what’s important instead of screwing around with random guys.

I’m making great strides toward my goal, and I’m getting a bit closer to Tanner’s numbers day by day. I might need another boost of followers soon, but I’m going to really hunker down and try to get that shout-out from Patrick Amaranth. I know I can do it! I just need to frame it in a way that makes it seem like it’s beneficial for him, too.

I pace around the room, trying to think. I should contact some tech company, see if I can get some products sent my way. Then I would definitely fit in with Patrick’s brand, and he’dhaveto agree to some sort of collaboration… if I can manage something like that.


It costs almost as much to fix my camera as it did to buy it in the first place, but at least it’s working again. I’m burning through my bank account, however, and I start looking for jobs outside of town. I send a pitch to some tech companies for sponsorships, too, determined to snag one that will catch Patrick’s eye. So far, I’ve got nothing, but I refuse to give up.

I constantly check my email to see if the old folks’ home has gotten back to me, but there’s never anything there. Not surprised, though; I don’t have any relevant experience. Itdidsay in the ad that whoever got hired would receive training on the job, so it probably wasn’t anything too complicated.

When another twodays have passed, I decide to give them a call. I’m starting to get desperate, and in a moment of weakness last night, I bought some more followers. I just needed to cheer myself up, but I definitely regret it today.

A cheerful voice picks up on the other end. “Welcome to the North Pole Home for Seniors! How can I help you?”

I take a deep breath, suddenly nervous. “Hi, my name is Sophie Leigh. I applied for a position with you a little while back, and I just wanted to know if the role has been filled.”

“Oh, hello!” the woman says as if I’ve just given her the most wonderful news. “It hasn’t been filled yet, no. I think my boss was actually about to contact you for an interview, Sophie. Isn’t that fun?”
