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Taking my new camera, I set it up on my kitchen table. It would probably be a good idea to get a tripod, but in the meantime, this will do. I try out a few different poses, trying to show off my new dress. I lean forward close to the camera and smile wide as the timer goes off.Bingo. I look happy and sweet, but my chest is very clearly the focal point of the picture. Not too much, but it’s still sexy.

I chuckle to myself. I hope this will be good enough to bring in some people once Donnie posts it to his feed. I edit the image on my computer, then I send it to him. Donnie answers right away.

You trying to kill me, sweetheart?

I smile, shaking my head at him. I know he’s just some random guy, but it’s kind of nice to know that someone finds me attractive.

Are you uploading it or what?

Posting it now.

I keep a close eye on his profile, and after a few minutes, I see my picture pop up on there. The post gets almost three hundred likes within the first ten minutes, and I can’t hold back a smile. Actual people are liking my picture! Sure, it’s all guys, but that doesn’t matter. It gets a few comments.

So hot.

Do one without the dress.

Stuff like that. Maybe not the type of followers I had originally envisioned, but I’ll take it! It doesn’t really matter who follows me, as long as it’s a lot of people.

After my follower count slowly starts to trickle up, I go and check Tanner’s profile. I just can’t help myself. He posted a picture of him in front of a house that’s decked out in Christmas decorations. I know the place; there’s a street right outside of downtown that goes crazy in December. Their electricity bill must be through the roof!

Tanner is smiling, dressed in a nice coat and a knitted beanie. The caption says:North Pole, Alaska is really living up to its name.

There are thousands of likes and hundreds of comments. I bite my bottom lip, my excitement from before gone. He’s still so far ahead of me. It’s going to take ages to get to his numbers, even if I get other people to promote me.

I glance over at my computer. What can a thousand more bots hurt? I pull out my card before I can change my mind, and then there they are. Another thousand added to my follower count. That’s going to have to be enough for a while. I’ve alreadyspent hundreds of dollars over the past couple of days. It’ll be worth it, though.

It will.


My second boost of bots has made my images appear to other users as well. I get new followers daily, although notthatmany. It’s fun seeing the numbers tick up, and I really enjoy the comments that I’m getting.

Maybe it’s a little pathetic to lap up what these guys are saying to me, but I’m kind of loving the way they seem to be drooling over my pictures. It’s sort of intoxicating. AndDonnieWylde93 is always there as soon as I upload a picture. I know I probably shouldn’t enjoy the attention from him as much as I am, but I can’t help myself. It’s kind of hot knowing that my pictures make him so excited.

He sent me more pictures of himself shirtless, but he never goes further than that. I’ve messaged him a bit back and forth, and it’s clear that he wants things to escalate further. From what I understand, he doesn’t live that far away; maybe an hour away.

Sometimes, I imagine myself meeting up with him, just to see what would happen. I’m honestly not all that attracted to him, and he’s kind of an ass, but there’s also something intriguing about that. One night of meaningless sex with someone so self-confident would be kind of fun. And he has already proven to be useful to me when he uploaded my picture.

Donnie woulddefinitelydrive all the way over here if I told him that the two of us getting together is on the table. Not that itison the table; at least, I don’t think so. But when he messages me late one night just as I’m about to go to bed, I can’t help but write back.

I like your shirt in your last post.

I hesitate, but then I type out a reply.Thanks, it’s new.

Donnie responds at once.Are you wearing it right now?

I look down at myself. I’m wearing an old sweater and some shorts to bed, not exactly a sexy négligée.No, I’m not.

What are you wearing?

Am I going there? Am I really going to start sexting with this fuck boy? I kind of want to.It’s too hot in here to wear anything.

Oh, crap, I did it! My heart is racing as I see him writing something. I’ve never sexted before in my life, so maybe it’s about time I get to experience it. My screen lights up with Donnie’s message.

That’s really hot, sweetheart. How come you’re not sleeping?

I huff out a laugh; it’s so obvious what he wants me to say. So, I say it.I don’t know. I guess I’ve been a little stressed lately. I just need something to take the edge off.
