Page 2 of Midnight Kisses

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I’m too busy being in shock and dismay to notice the shower running in the bathroom until it actually turns off. Shit. Someone is in there. Time for me to go.

I spin around and head for the exit when the bathroom door flies open, and a tall, broad-shouldered, extremely naked man appears.

“What the fuck?” he bellows. The menacing tone of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. “Who are you?”

My mouth opens, but nothing comes out past the giant lump in my throat. He’s naked, oh, god, and dripping water from his tanned skin and thick, black hair.

I don’t know where to look, so I take in his body one guilty glance at a time.

Huge chest.

Thick thighs.

Eight-pack abs.

And oh, god, a dick so big it could pass for a tree trunk.

I back up against the wall, my face burning with embarrassment, and my insides all fluttery. My gaze darts around as I search for a safe place to land.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he demands, ignoring my embarrassment in favor of standing in front of me with his hands on his hips. His very trim, very bare hips. “Get the hell out of my room before I call security—or the police… Unless you’re here to help me ring in the new year.”

It’s that snide little comment and the very obvious meaning behind it that makes my gaze snap up, locking with his. That’s when recognition sets in.

Those eyes. I know those eyes. Such a light gray, they’re almost silver when the light hits them the way it is now, through the window.

Eight years have passed since graduation, but right now, it feels like no more than a day since I last set sights on Colton Pierce. The boy who broke my heart.

The boy I hate more than anything in life.


Holy shit. Harper Adams.

And here I was, thinking this trip was a total loss.

She’s grown up—and filled out—but I would know her anywhere. Those wide, hazel eyes that look straight through me. The impossibly pouty lips. The way she blushes so easily, and her habit of tucking her dark red hair behind her ears when she’s nervous.

She’s doing it now, and I know in a heartbeat that she recognizes me.

“There must be some mistake.” She’s not interested in acknowledging our shared history, only in our hotel arrangements. “They told me at the front desk that I had room 812.”

It’s amazing she can talk, squirming like she is. “They told me the same thing. But they were pretty busy down there, so I guess—”

Before I can finish, she’s already on her way to the phone, jamming her finger against the button for the front desk. She stands with her back to me, arms folded like she wants to protect herself.

Considering how my entire body reacts to her, maybe she needs protecting. I can’t take my eyes off her ass, her legs, and the way she fills out her dark blue suit. Buttoned up, all business, and something about that has always turned me on. My dick twitches, and for one perverse moment, I consider staying uncovered so she can see the effect she has on me.

“I don’t understand. How can you give the same room to two different people? What are we supposed to do?” She throws a quick look over her shoulder, one full of resentment, and I can’t help but remember the girl I used to know. A bookworm, a complete nerd, somebody who took her schoolwork more seriously than anything else. And I should know since we did a project together in the spring semester of our senior year.

I wonder if she’s ever asked herself how different things could have been if she’d gone out with me instead of turning me down. She must know how well I’ve done for myself—I remember how people talk back in our hometown. There’s nothing else for them to do.

Has she wondered what life would be like if she hadn’t made that mistake?

It’s only now that I understand how it sticks in my craw. Of all people, she turned me down. Me. I didn’t have all my money then, but I was a fucking god in that school. Much more popular than anyone she’d ever been out with. If she ever dated at all.

I suppose she must’ve had an effect on me if it all comes back so easily, so clearly.

She hangs up the phone before turning partway, glancing at me before going to the window. “You’d better put something on. Somebody’s coming up to try to work this out.”
